Houston Psychoanalytic Society
Clinical/Cultural Competency Conference
Boys Betrayed, Men Restored:
Consequences of Male Sexual Victimization
Richard Gartner, PhD
Friday, November 3, 2023
10:00 AM - 1:15 PM Central Time

3 CME/CEU/CE Credits

Live via Zoom
*Pre-Registration required for Zoom invitation
This event will not be recorded

Registration Fees
HPS Full Members: $75
HPS Student Members: $45
Non-Members: $90

Instructional Level: Beginner - Advanced
Research suggests that in the United States one in six boys is directly victimized sexually by age 16. It has also become increasingly apparent in recent years that adult men, like women, are subject to sexual abuse, harassment, and assault.

In order to treat this population, it is crucial that mental health clinicians be aware of the unique challenges male victims face in processing this trauma. This presentation addresses these special challenges. Particular attention will be paid to the themes of male gender socialization, sexual orientation concerns, and myths that interfere with men being open about their histories or even recognizing their sexual betrayal.

Topics Include:
  • Prevalence figures
  • The interpersonal core of sexual betrayal trauma
  • Range of possible abusers
  • Cultural myths that make it difficult for men to acknowledge having been victimized
  • Further myths that interfere with boys and men processing sexual betrayal
  • Abuse by male vs. female victimizers
  • Specific concerns about victimization by a male predator for boys whether they are already growing into predominantly gay or predominantly straight sexual orientations
  • The question of whether sexually abused boys almost inevitably become sexually abusing men

After attending the program in its entirety, attendees will be able to:
  1. describe how male sexual victimization was viewed in the late 20th century vs. today.
  2. explain how masculine gender socialization affects boys' and men's processing of sexual abuse experiences.
  3. identify how concerns about homosexuality affect boys' and men's processing of sexual abuse experiences.
  4. describe the effect on sexually victimized boys and men of the stereotype that sexually abused boys inevitably grow up to become sexually abusing men.
Richard B. Gartner, PhD, was awarded a Lifetime Achievement award by the American Psychological Association’s Division of Trauma Psychology in 2021. A graduate of the William Alanson White Institute in New York, he is training and supervising analyst, faculty, and Founding Director of its Sexual Abuse Service. He is also faculty and supervisor at the Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis and of its Certificate Program in Trauma Studies, and is a Fellow of Divisions 39 (Psychoanalysis), 51 (Men and Masculinities), and 56 (Trauma Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. 

A pioneer in the 1980s in the treatment of sexually abused men, Dr. Gartner co-founded, an organization that supports men with sexual abuse histories. He is the recipient of the William Friedrich Memorial Child Sexual Abuse Research, Assessment and/or Treatment Award from IVAT (Institute on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma); the Award for Outstanding Contributions to Practice in Trauma Psychology by the APA’s Division of Trauma Psychology; and the Director’s Award of the William Alanson White Institute for contributions to the psychoanalytic understanding of trauma. Two of his six books were runners-up for the Gradiva Award given by the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP) for the best works that advance psychoanalysis. His Betrayed as Boys: Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men is considered the classic text on the topic, while his book for the general public, Beyond Betrayal: Taking Charge of Your Life after Boyhood Sexual Abuse, is widely read by lay people interested in male sexual victimization. He has made dozens of professional presentations about his work in the U.S and throughout the world and has been interviewed in the media (newspapers, magazines, radio and television) about male sexual victimization both in the U.S. and internationally.

1) Easton, S. D., Coohey, C., Rhodes, A. M., & Moorthy, M.V. (2013). Posttraumatic growth among men with histories of child sexual abuse. Child Maltreatment, 18: 211-220. doi: 10.1177/1077559513503037; 
2) Gartner, R.B., Ed. (2017). Understanding the sexual betrayal of boys and men: The trauma of sexual abuse. New York: Routledge. 
3) Gartner, R.B., Ed. (2017). Healing sexually betrayed men and boys: Treatment for sexual abuse, assault, and trauma. New York: Routledge 

IMAGE of distraught man from Can Stock
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of American Psychoanalytic Association and the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies, as a co-sponsor of Houston Psychoanalytic Society. The American Psychoanalytic Association is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The American Psychoanalytic Association designates this Live Activity for a maximum of 3 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

IMPORTANT DISCLOSURE INFORMATION FOR ALL LEARNERS: None of the planners and presenters for this educational activity have relevant financial relationship(s)* to disclose with ineligible companies* whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

*Financial relationships are relevant if the educational content an individual can control is related to the business lines or products of the ineligible company.
-Updated July 2021-
Houston Psychoanalytic Society is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Houston Psychoanalytic Society maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

HPS, through co-sponsorship with the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies, also offers approved CEUs for Texas state-approved social workers, licensed professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists.
1302 Waugh Dr. #276, Houston, TX 77019
(713) 429-5810