Project Notification

Champlain Parkway Project

Update Overview

The Champlain Parkway Project will begin construction activities along portions of Lakeside Avenue and Pine Street. Work along Lakeside Avenue, just east of the railroad tracks (near the westerly driveway at 128 Lakeside Avenue) through its intersection with Pine Street, includes utility work and the full reconstruction of the roadway. Work along Pine Street, between just south of Lakeside Avenue (just north of Birchcliff Parkway) and Kilburn Street, includes the rehabilitation of the roadway. This project update will include an overview of the work along Lakeside Avenue and Pine Street including schedule and traffic impacts. 

Lakeside Avenue Update

Work along Lakeside Avenue began this week and will continue through the end of September. The work includes the segment of Lakeside Avenue within the project limits and the intersection of Lakeside Avenue with Pine Street. The work includes the installation of waterline, telecommunication ductbank, stormwater infrastructure and new traffic signal equipment at the intersection of Lakeside Avenue at the Parkway alignment, and the reconstruction of Lakeside Avenue.

The work will take place under single lane closures and the full closure of Lakeside Avenue within the project limits. The full closure will be in effect for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and last up to six weeks. The closure is anticipated to start on Monday, July 10, at 7:00 a.m. and continue through August. Before and after the closure period, work along Lakeside Avenue will take place under single-lane closures with alternating one-way traffic. This work will take place Monday through Friday, predominantly during the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

A signed detour will be in place utilizing Pine Street, Sears Lane, Searsway Lane, a temporary roadway constructed through the existing Hula Parking Lot, and Lakeside Avenue allowing motorists to access the west side of the closure area. The detour will be in place starting next week and motorists are encouraged to use the detour throughout the duration of the work including before and after the full closure. 

Crews have begun potholing and drilling exploratory holes along Lakeside Avenue to identify and confirm the locations of underground utilities. Leading up to the full closure of Lakeside Avenue, crews will install portions of the waterline along Lakeside Avenue.

Under the full closure, crews will continue installing waterline and the remaining underground utilities. Once all the underground utilities are complete, crews will reconstruct the roadway, install underdrain, subbase, pave the base course, and install curb. Portions of the traffic signal equipment will be installed during the closure period as well.

After the closure period, crews will continue installing traffic signal equipment and reconstructing the roadway. In addition, crews will install the shared-use path and the sidewalks throughout the area. 

Lakeside Avenue & Pine Street Update

Work at the intersection of Lakeside Avenue at Pine Street will take place concurrently with the work along Lakeside Avenue. Work at the intersection of Lakeside Avenue at Pine Street began this week and will continue through the end of September. This work includes the installation of telecommunication ductbank, stormwater infrastructure and new traffic signal equipment at the intersection of Pine Street at Lakeside Avenue, and the reconstruction of Pine Street.

Some of this work will take place under single lane closures along Pine Street between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. This work includes potholing, underground utility work, new traffic signal equipment at the intersection of Lakeside Avenue and Pine Street, and the reconstruction of the roadway. Portions of this work including underground utility installation will take place at night under the full closure of the intersection between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

Pine Street Update

Work along Pine Street, between just south of Lakeside Avenue (just north of Birchlcliff Parkway) and Kilburn Street, will begin the last week of June with the removal of the existing rail spurs along the west side of Pine Street. In mid-July, crews will begin rehabilitating Pine Street. Work along Pine Street will take place Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Pine Street will be reopened to two lanes of traffic each day between the hours of 6:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

NOTICE OF TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF QUIET ZONE: Work continues on the rail road crossing improvements at Flynn and Home Avenues. A temporary suspension of the residential Quiet Zone will be in effect to facilitate the improvement work. Audible train horns will be used to provide advanced warning of oncoming trains. The residential Quiet Zone will be reestablished once the work is completed.

PUBLIC SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT: For your safety and the safety of the construction crew and field staff, the Champlain Parkway Project Team reminds the public to steer clear of construction vehicles, heavy machinery, and active construction areas. Stay alert when navigating within the work zone. For all urgent issues or concerns, please contact the Public Outreach Team by phone at (802)496-8956 or by email at


The Champlain Parkway Project spans a 2.8-mile area from the I-189 intersection with US 7 to Lakeside Avenue, and includes upgrades to Lakeside Avenue, and improvements to the section of Pine Street between Lakeside Avenue and Main Street. 

The initial contract includes the construction of the Champlain Parkway from Home Avenue to Lakeside Avenue, upgrades to Lakeside Avenue, and improvements to the section of Pine Street between Lakeside Avenue and Kilburn Street. 


Initial Contract 2024

Final Contract 2027

Project Website


For more information about the project please visit the project website or contact the project team via the project hotline, 802-496-8956 or by email:

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