RDN Extends Three-stream Waste Diversion to All Properties Starting January 2025 

The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) is introducing a new waste diversion bylaw for all commercial, institutional, industrial and multi-family buildings throughout the region in January 2025.

The Mandatory Waste Source Separation (MWSS) bylaw will require all waste generators to have separate or partitioned containers to sort garbage, recycling and organics.

While the bylaw does not come into effect until early 2025, work is starting now to help people prepare for this change.

The MWSS bylaw, like the program already in place for single-family residences, will apply to all properties across the RDN which includes Electoral Areas A, B, C, E, F, G and H, the City of Nanaimo, District of Lantzville, City of Parksville and Town of Qualicum Beach.

Read the full media release RDN News Release - Mandatory Waste Source Separation Bylaw