Northwood School Laker

November 17, 2023

Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!

There will be no Laker published next week. We hope you all enjoy your extra time with family and friends! Please note that early release on Wednesday, November 22, will begin at 12:35. Have a great weekend!

~ Jocelyn

From the Assistant Principal

Hello Northwood Families,

Over the next few weeks the staff at NWS will be giving “thankful shout outs” to kids who demonstrate expected behavior. The kids will have their shout-outs read during morning announcements and they will be hung up in the hallway. Below are the kids, or groups of kids, who received shout-outs this week. Great job NWS staff and students!

- Mr. Drolet

News from Kindergarten

We are all in the 2 club!  We have been practicing counting by 2’s from 2-20, and very excited to say we can all recite counting by 2’s independently! 2, 4, 6, 8 counting by 2’s is really great!

Want to Get More Involved?

Volunteers Needed:

Want to help copy things for teachers, chaperone a field trip, or help out with fun events during school hours? If you would like to volunteer in the building/field trips, there are a few steps in order for this to happen. First you will need to fill out a volunteer form. (This form needs to be completed every year.) Once you have returned the completed form to the school, you will need to schedule fingerprinting through the SAU office. After that has cleared (usually 3-4 weeks), we look forward to your help!

School & Community Information

Guest Teachers Needed

If you are interested in being a guest teacher (also known as a substitute teacher), please apply at this link. The pay is $100 a day and you get to work with great kids and great staff! Please contact Ms. Roy or Ms. Young with any questions.

From the Parent Teacher Group

We want to make your holiday season a little brighter! The Northwood Parent Teacher Group is sponsoring a Giving Tree this year! If you or a family you know could benefit from some help please contact Lynda MacDonald by November 30th. Please have names of family members with ages, sizes, and wish list items.

Important Dates

November 22 - Early Release, 12:35

November 23 - 24 - Thanksgiving Break, no school

December 1 - Teacher Workshop Day, no school

December 22 - Early Release, 12:35

December 25 - January 1 - Winter Break, no school

Please check the Athletics Calendar for information on games and meets.  
