Weekly Programming
- This Sunday - Blessing of Prayer Shawls, Celebrating Graduates, Lay Ministry Leaders celebration and thank you, ICA ingathering
- Calling all Graduates!
Community Events
- Wonder Women Happy Hour
- St. David's Book Club
- Pride Parade - June 25th
- Loaves and Fishes
- Faithful Innovations
Announcements and Reports
- ICA Update
- PercoLAYte
- Invitation to Mes Amis graduation
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Have an announcement you would like to share in this weekly email?
Send it to office@stdavidsparish.org before 9:00am on Tuesday to be featured.
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8:00 and 9:30 service of Holy Eucharist
We invite you to join us for a special Sunday of worship and celebration! This Sunday, we will be honoring and thanking our lay ministry leaders for their faithful work and dedication to our community. We will also be celebrating all graduates and sending them off with blessings for their next chapter in life. We will also be offering prayers for people with birthdays and anniversaries in the month of June. In addition, we will be blessing prayer shawls made by our talented and caring members, which will be given to those in need of comfort and support. There will be Godly Play during the 9:30 service. This will be the last one until we resume in the Fall! Finally, don't forget your financial gifts and nonperishable food donations for the ICA ingathering.
Come and be a part of this joyous occasion as we give thanks for all the blessings in our lives and lift our voices in worship. We look forward to being together!
We continue to Facebook Livestream the Sunday 9:30 service and upload to YouTube
10:45-11:30 Community Forum
Join us after the 9:30 service and enjoy some coffee and cake!
We will have social time, as well as taking time to especially thank our lay ministry leaders for their dedication and service to St. David's. Without their hard work and commitment, we would not be who we are as a community of faith.
Loving God. Loving One Another.
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We celebrated high school graduates on Youth Led Sunday, and now we want to honor and celebrate other graduates! Are you or someone you love graduating from college or a graduate program? Please let us know who our graduates are by emailing Katherine at klewis@stdavidsparish.org. We hope these graduates will be able to be with us in worship at 9:30 on June 4, but even if they are not able to be there, we'll offer our prayers and recognition. | |
Join the next wonder women happy hour, 5:00-7:00pm next Thursday, June 8th hosted by Joanne Allan | |
St David's Book Club News | |
The St. David’s Book Club upcoming selection will be discussed on Tuesday, June 6 from 6:30 pm – 7:55 pm. This month’s book is Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk by Kathleen Rooney.
Meeting Link:
St David's Book Club - June Meeting
See the May 18th newsletter for the full Book Club update.
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2023 Twin Cities LGBTQ+ Pride March Honoring Ashley Rukes
Sunday, June 25, 2023 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM (9:00am departure from St. David's)
The Justice Collaborative has applied on behalf of St. David's Episcopal Church to participate in the 2023 Pride March. The application has been accepted and everyone is invited to participate in the March, especially The Ecumenical Youth Group and parents. Minors need to have a parent or guardian present to participate.
Please RSVP by Sunday, June 11! We are limited to 35 participants, so don't wait to sign up! We were one of only 80 groups accepted to participate in the March. This is a big honor and a great way to show our love and support for everyone in our LGBTQ+ faith communities and the whole state of Minnesota!
On Sunday, June 25th, we will have one service of Holy Eucharist at 8:00am so folks can march in the parade!
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Four Volunteers are needed for each date. Two for cooking with the L&F coordinator from 3:00-5:00 and two to package and serve from 4:30 to 6:30.
Upcoming dates
Tuesday, June 13th (volunteer list full)
- Monday, June 26th
- Tuesday, July 11th
- Monday, July 24th
Please contact Sue or Basil Owen to sign up. Sue’s cell is 612-716-1945. Basil’s cell is 612-716-0683 or email at bowen3@fastmail.com
See the May 25th newsletter for full update.
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So Just What is God Really Up To?
Quite a good question! Let’s find out some answers, together, with a little experiment, shall we?
If you like to:
-be friendly
-listen to others
-sit about in the outdoors on a summer day
-enjoy a refreshing cool glass of lemonade
If even just one of these statements fits your bill, then we have quite the opportunity for you.To do what you may ask? To practice some St. David’s radical hospitality getting to know our neighbors better. Just by listening to others and noticing, amidst our welcoming manner, we hope to hear where God is, and isn’t, right here in our neighborhood, beyond our church walls.
The plan is to set up a simple table and chairs along Minnetonka Blvd. where our church property abuts up to the walking/biking trail. Here we will have extra chairs and cool drink, offering respite and refreshment to folks passing by, furry friends too, complete with a dog water bowl and treats! Here we will just listen, and notice, and converse. No proselytizing, no sell job, no coercion of any sort. Just an opportunity to share what Christ asks of all of us, to love one another.
We hope you will participate in this little hospitality experiment in our neighborhood, with the opportunity to be transformed.
Please look for the sign-up sheets in the undercroft/narthex, 2 people per 1 hour shifts, Sunday June 18th, 11am thru 2pm, and Wednesday June 28th, 4pm thru 7pm. Grab a buddy and sign up! Added incentive, we even promise to include some ice breaker lines/scripts/activities just in case the cat’s got your tongue.
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Announcements and Reports | |
ICA Sunday this Sunday!
Have you seen the Jazz It Up! Posters at the church building entrances? As you may recall, we will be having a different theme each month for ICA donations. We will be posting the theme of the month by the collection baskets a couple weeks before the actual ICA Sunday.
The Jazz It Up theme seems appropriate as we are heading into summer. Although the items listed can be used at any time, several of the things listed can be used for salads, picnic meals and barbecuing. What ICA needs this month includes:
- BBQ sauce
- Marinades
- Spices
- Vegetable oil
- Olive oil
- Vinegar
- Anything else that fits with this theme
Anything you wish to donate is most appreciated. If you prefer, a cash donation is always welcome. ICA’s access to discount products and programs stretches your cash donation.
You can either drop a check made out to ICA in the Sunday collection plate or donate online using the QR code on the ICA posters at the church entrances or at www.icafoodshelf.org and click on the donate section. Thank you so much for your ongoing support of ICA.
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Second Thursdays, 12:00pm
Register here.
Find recordings of past gatherings here.
All Minnesota Episcopalians are invited to join PercoLAYte. We'll continue to meet monthly to "steep" ourselves in the lay order of ministry.
- Thursday, June 8, 12:00pm
- Thursday, July 14, 12:00pm
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Invitation to Mes Amis Graduation | |
What else is going on at St. David's? | |
Want to view the full calendar for the week? Click here to view the St. David's website complete with a calendar to keep you updated on events and offerings! Scroll all the way to the bottom to view it. | |
Pastoral Care Line: 952-767-0891 | |
COVID-19 Resources Available
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