Weekly E-News

Wed. 9/20 - Tues. 9/26

View Full Newsletter Here as a Webpage

Please send any newsletter submissions to by Tuesday at 5:00 pm.

This Sunday, September 24, 2023

There Is No Them

with Rev. Karen Armina

There are points along the trajectory of being welcoming that we’ve come to understand, like tolerance, acceptance, and inclusion- and “radical welcome” is a phrase that’s surfaced to describe a point beyond inclusion.  This morning, we’ll explore what radical welcome might mean.

Link to service webpage

Zoom Link for Worship

Next Sunday: Revival!

Let’s celebrate our congregation and the life-affirming faith tradition we’re part of!

The Share the Plate for Sept. 24 and Oct. 1 is Wheels for Winners, a local all volunteer run non-profit that fixes up used bicycles and gives them away, along with a helmet and lock, to children and adults who have done some sort of community service. These bikes provide critical transportation to school, jobs and community events for many low income persons, immigrants and teens. Thanks to Kelly Kearns for nominating them. 

Please nominate a local organization for our Share the Plate Program!

Our September theme: The Gift of Welcome

Our September theme calls our attention to places of welcome in our hearts and in our community. In this space, you’ll find a new invitation into reflection every week.

Check-in question: What do you know now about welcoming in the present moment that you didn’t know?

Jung once said he began calling God all those "things which cross my willful path violently and recklessly, all things which upset my subjective views, plans and intentions, and change the course of my life for better or for worse." The divine is that power which disrupts everything. What if our practice were to court a similar holy disruption? To welcome in everything which challenges my perspective on how the world works, which upsets all the plans I have for myself, and turns them on their heads?

-- Christine Valters Paintner

What's Happening in Our Congregation

Minister's Musings

Dear ones, it is so good to be back among you! I’ve enjoyed seeing you and talking with you over the past couple of weeks. And as I settle back into the work I love of being your minister, I want to remind you to reach out to me when you want to connect, and to offer you some guidelines about what when it might be appropriate to do so…(read more)

I would love to meet with you! Please come by during office hours (click the button below to see those) or send me an email to set up an appointment for another time.

And, as always, please call or text if you have a pastoral emergency.

Rev. Karen's Office Hours
Zoom link for virtual office hours

Religious Education and Family Ministry

Our first regularly scheduled RE classes happen this Sunday!

Children from Pre-K through 5th grade will gather in the front classroom (off the foyer) after the Time for All Ages. Youth (6th grade and up) are asked to stay in the service.

Everyone is invited to gather back in the sanctuary after worship and RE, for our first Community Meal. There's a suggested donation for this but all are welcome regardless of whether they contribute.

After lunch, youth will head to First Unitarian Society at 12:30-1:30 for our first collaborative youth group meeting - a get to know you bonfire with marshmallow roasting as well as other snacks and games.

Next Sunday- Multigenerational worship followed by

Classes for everyone:

Children's RE (pre-K through 5th grade),

Our Whole Lives (6th-8th grade)

and "Writing Your UU Elevator Speech" for high schoolers and adults!

Please contact Genevieve at for more information on any of our programing.

Read more 

Offerings for Adults and High School Youth

With Rev. Karen

The Shared Pulpit” course for adults- ask Karen for details

“Writing Your UU Elevator Speech” for adults and high school youth on Sunday, October 1

Music Ministry

Jennifer will be “out of the office” starting Friday September 22, while they prepare for their wedding on Saturday the 23rd! They will return to work on Monday October 2 after a relaxing honeymoon far away from anything that resembles a to-do list. 

The Sacred Breath Choir is trying to track down all of our choir folders. Do you have a choir folder at home and no plans to return to choir in the near future? Please bring it to Reeb and leave it on the table in the staff office. If you have a folder at home but plan to come to choir eventually, please email Jennifer to notify them of your folder number! Thank you!

Are you good at organizing and/or data entry? If you would like to support the music ministry, but are not able to commit to weekly choir rehearsal, contact Jennifer at about ways you can assist with filing and updating the Choir Inventory doc.

This Sunday’s shared music:

#1046 Shall We Gather at the River (HOM)

#318 We Would Be One

#323 Break Not the Circle

Read more

Small Group Ministries

Offering and Receiving Connection, Support, and Spiritual Practice

View Small Group Ministries Descriptions  

Last chance to sign up for 2023-2024 Covenant Groups!

Covenant Groups are part of the Adult Religious Exploration Program at JRUUC. Groups are randomly created at the start of each church year, based on the availability of people interested, and they meet monthly. They are closed groups, for confidentiality and community-building, and are made up of 6 to 10 people plus a facilitator. They have several purposes: to build relationships through the practice of deep listening, and to practice shared ministry with each other and our congregation as a whole. Please see this brochure for more information, and sign up here or on the sign-up sheet on the RE table in the foyer if you’d like to be part of a virtual or in-person Covenant Group this year.

Signups close at the end of the day today!

Meditation With Friends - Wednesday at 6:30-7:00 pm (Beginners Welcome)

Sacred Breath Choir - Thursdays 7:00-8:30 pm, contact Music Director Jennifer Hedstrom at

Journaling Group - Breaking for the summer, contact Jean Skinner

Building Our Racial Awareness Open Discussions - Breaking for the summer, contact Jeanette Clawson

Meditation Zoom Link - Wednesday 6:30

Announcements & Upcoming Events

View JRUUC Events & Activities Calendar

Meet Our New Office Administrator!

Hi, my name is Tony Hebblethwaite. I’m very excited to join James Reeb UU Congregation as your new office administrator. I recently moved to Madison, Wisconsin from Phoenix, Arizona. I look forward to greeting you in person on Sunday morning.

I'll be in the office on:

Wednesdays at 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Fridays at 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Sundays at 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Website Tip of the Week - To See the whole Weekly Newsletter

Click on "News" in the Menu or the "News" tab at the top of our website and choose "Weekly Newsletter" and then the "click here" link to see the web version of this week's newsletter. The Weekly also shows up as a post, and has a link on the Sunday service page.

Upcoming folk music gatherings!

You're invited to join our weekly folk music gathering. Next sessions are:

Saturday, September 23, 2pm

Saturday, September 30, 2pm

In addition, we will play the music for the October 1 Revival Service! All are welcome to come any or all of those Saturdays, and to sing/play with us on Sunday, October 1 at 10am.

MOSES Meeting October 1 at JRUUC

MOSES will have their October general meeting again at James Reeb. All are invited. 2:00-4:30 pm on Sunday, October 1. Social time begins at 2:00 pm.

Click here for more about MOSES and criminal justice reform

JRUUC Camp-out Saturday October 14 - Sunday October 15

Plan to come for a pot-luck dinner and campfire and/or breakfast or stay for the night. Lake Farm County Park just south of Madison. And head to Reeb on Sunday morning for a service and workshop on reparations with the Rev. Kerri Parker. More details to come.

Reeb Rave 2023 is on Saturday, November 11

We have picked a date for our annual fundraising auction and party "Reeb Rave" – Nov 11th, 5:30 - 8:30pm at James Reeb! We are soliciting suggestions for a theme and seeking volunteers to help with the event, including soliciting businesses for donations, providing

entertainment and helping with food preparation. If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact Tom McClintock.

Seeking Folks with a Welcoming Attitude

Do you have a winning smile? Are you up to the job of making newcomers and old-timers feel they belong? If so, consider being a greeter on Sunday mornings. The membership Team is looking for people to help greet, especially on the first or second Sundays of the month. If you are interested, please contact Elaine Morrison. She will make sure you get the instruction you need.

Caring Tree Update

We are happy to announce that Heike Saynish has joined the Caring Tree. We would like to thank Randy Coloni and Marla McFadden for their help during the search for a new co-coordinator. If you need assistance or are interested in providing assistance please use the caring tree link on the JRUUC website.

Let's Make the JRUUC Front Window More Inviting!

Looking for one or more people to come up with a plan to make our front window area look nicer and more inviting. Got any ideas or good looking plants that can withstand a south-facing window? Contact Joan Kemble or Kelly Kearns.

Help Beautify Our Grounds!

Our members & friends run community counts on people to sign up to mow grass and pick up litter around our building. Mower provided. Sign up here for a week or two.

More Ways to Be of Service Within Our Congregation

What's Happening in Our Community

See our Justice and Community Update page for activities & events

Urban Triage Unhoused Youth Initiative Drive 

September 11 - October 6, 2023

Urban Triage strives to end youth homelessness though their transitional housing services: Youth- Headed Family Shelter, Scattered Transitional Housing Units, Rapid Rehousing, and Youth Drop-In Center. You can support their initiative by contributing household items to either a drop off bin near you or checkout their Amazon Wish List. View the wish list here.

What's Happening In Unitarian Universalism

A Message from UUA President: “Welcome, in this Season of Return”

The Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, elected UUA President at General Assembly in June 2023, offers a message of welcome at the start of a new congregational year for Unitarian Universalists.  Rev. Dr. Betancourt also invites all UUs into a shared ministry together to reimagine the workings and expressions of Unitarian Universalist faith, while holding onto the traditions, theology, and commitments that have made us who we are.

Watch the video message here

More UUA Updates

Click the banner to learn what you can do to promote social justice along with our national organization.

Actions of Immediate Witness

 Abortion, Anti-Racism, Reparations, Restorative Justice, Medicare

Click the banner to learn how you can get involved in getting out the vote. 

Donate to JRUUC
Visit JRUUC Website
Visit UUA Website

Do you have an announcement for our congregation?

Please send it to and submit by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays - earlier if possible!

Please specify where you would like it listed by writing

Sunday Announcement and/or Weekly and/or Website in the subject line of your email


Our office is the central point of contact for all Reeb communications.

Please send your questions to