October 3 - 9, 2023
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For Worship services please visit our YouTube channel. | |
What's Going On At Grace
+Oct 8 - Choral Concert at Grace - 4pm
+Oct 8-15 - Family Promise Host Week
+Oct 22 - Beer & Hymns at Elk's Lodge - 4pm
+Oct 29 - Fall Festival after 10am service
Many of these events have more details in other sections. This section is updated each week, so keep checking in. You can also see the full church calendar HERE.
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Family Promise Hosting This Coming Week - October 8-15
Grace will be hosting Family Promise next week! We'd love to have you join us in welcoming our guest families and making sure they have good meals and a comfortable place to stay with us.
Our week got cut short last time due to COVID, so we're looking forward to a full week of offering home and hospitality.
We have several opportunities to serve still open!
You can sign up for:
Dinner - on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday
Overnight hosting - on Sunday, Friday, or Saturday
Room teardown on Sunday, Oct 15
To take part in this week, please click HERE.
Thank you for supporting Family Promise!
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Commemorative Steins - 6 days left!
These steins are the perfect way to celebrate 100 years of Grace!
$18 each - two colors available, gray and white.
Please click on the HERE to reserve your stein. Then, please send your payment to the church office, place in the offering plate, or pay online HERE (use the drop-down "Steins")
*Note: you need to reserve your stein AND send your payment - 2 steps!*
Stein reservation and payment due on or before THIS Sunday, October 8.
Contact the Church Office with any questions.
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Our 100th Anniversary Beer & Hymns Event is coming up!
This event is for all ages, and you're invited to wear your 100th anniversary t-shirt!
We'll gather at Elk's Lodge at 4 pm for music and fellowship. There will be food and beverages (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) available for purchase. If you're over 21, please bring your ID.
We are hoping to get a headcount to be sure we are prepared for the crowd! Please click HERE for more information and to let us know you'll be joining us.
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100th Anniversary Apparel is available for order again!
Did you forget to order your 100th anniversary gear last time?
Do you love your short-sleeve tee so much that you want it in another color and long-sleeves?
Does the cooler weather have you dreaming of a celebratory sweatshirt?
You're in luck! You can order any and all of these items and have them delivered right to your door for your wearing enjoyment!
Click HERE to order your 100th Anniversary Apparel!
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A few weeks ago, we welcomed Deacon Dallas Shealy, Executive Director of South Carolina Lutheran Retreat Centers, as our guest preacher. She shared about SCLRC's programs and opportunities!
If you'd like to learn more about SCLRC,
and how you can support this Synod Ministry, please click HERE.
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Grace Outreach Partnership Connection
Palmetto Community Health Care, one of our Grace Outreach Partners, is hosting a fundraiser at Legal Remedy on Monday, October 23, and the community is invited!
Tickets include food, drinks, and an exclusive Hank Futch musical performance. To purchase tickets, please click HERE.
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York County Choral Society
BBQ Fundraiser
Saturday, October 21
11:00 am - 2:30pm
All orders should be placed online by OCTOBER 17!
Enjoy Walker’s BBQ (we all know how good it is!) in support of the York County Choral Society.
Order on the YCCS website
Please stay in your car and a volunteer will deliver your order to your car.
If you have any questions, contact Nora Sliney 803.493.5001.
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This fall, the SC Synod is offering a ministry leadership program called Ministry Toolbox.
The 2023 Ministry Toolbox days are opportunities for all congregational leaders to learn together actionable information for ministry. Covering a wide variety of relevant topics, the courses will equip attendees with new skills to take back and put in place in their congregation. The day will be capped off with the kickoff of the South Carolina Synod’s year of intentional Bible Study. All are invited to attend.
There are two opportunities to participate:
October 28th at All Saints Lutheran Church, Mt Pleasant
November 18th at Messiah Lutheran Church, Mauldin
Each day will start at 9:45 a.m. and conclude at 4:00 p.m. The cost is $20.00 per person. To learn more and register, click HERE
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Grace Outreach Partnerships
Click on the buttons below to learn more about our 2023 partners and how you can offer support through volunteering and donations
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Biggest needs this week at HOPE:
Diapers and Pull-ups size 3, 4, 5, & 6
Hygiene products (all kinds)
Laundry detergent, toilet paper
Pasta, condiments, soup, canned vegetables, and baked goods.
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Save the Dates for our special
100th Anniversary Events!
Oct 8 - Winthrop Choral Concert at Grace
Oct 22 - Beer and Hymns at Elks Lodge
Oct 29 - Fall Festival after 10am service
Dec 17 - Cookies, Carols, Choral Music, and Cocoa Party
Dec 22 - Peter Mayer Christmas Concert
More information about these events will be shared closer to their dates!
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It's time to get tickets for
Peter Mayer: Stars & Promises Christmas 2023
Our final 100th Anniversary Event in 2023 will be the Peter Mayer: Stars & Promises concert!
This concert will be at Grace on Friday, December 22nd, and it is open to the public - we expect to see many community members and we're excited to welcome them to Grace!
Tickets are now on sale, and they could go quickly - Click HERE to learn more and purchase your tickets for the show!
NOTE: These tickets are only available through the above link - we will not be selling them through Grace.
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100 Connections
We have 41/100!
We are constantly making connections in our lives - as part of our 100th anniversary, we are making at least 100 new connections as a congregation! To share a connection you've made, please click HERE!
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Centennial Temple Talks
As a part of Grace's 100th Anniversary Celebration, we will share a Temple Talk highlighting Grace's history through the decades on the first Sunday of each month, from March through December.
Click on the links below to read our Temple Talks, about Grace in the 1920s - 80s.
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The Sanctuary Candle for the month of October is given by
Elisa and Ron Gordon in honor of our Pastors, Gregg and Rachel,
for their love and leadership to our Grace congregation.
The Altar Flowers for October 8th are given by Walker & Frances Stockley in honor of the 100th Anniversary Committee
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Click HERE for the Current Worship Assistant Schedule. | | |
Click HERE to sign up to sponsor Altar Flowers.
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Offering Our Gifts to God
Your gifts to Grace allow our ministry to happen! You can give in several ways:
- Give via the offering plate in worship
Give online by clicking HERE (you have the option to offset the cost of giving online)
- Set up giving though your bank
- Mail your offering to the church office.
Thank you for continued faithful giving!
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Click HERE for the August Treasurer's Report | |
If you are in need of help (of any kind), or simply want to connect,
please reach out to the pastors. We want to walk with you.
Please call or email us.
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Stay connected! Click on the links below! | |
426 Oakland Avenue
Rock Hill, SC 29730
(740) 312-5774 (Pastor Gregg’s cell)
(864) 230-3816 (Pastor Rachel’s cell)
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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