September 2023 | Issue 35
Monthly edHEALTH
101 sessions
Feedback from our 2023 Annual Member-Owner meeting suggested on-going sessions.
Video sessions will be held monthly, every second Thursday at 10:00am for an hour. Remaining sessions in 2023 will be October 12, November 9. Sign up here.
Want a sneak peek? See our article for more details on these key learning presentations.
Our 2023 Walking Challenge is Another Success

Congratulations to St. Joseph's College of Maine!
Thanks to a record number of edHEALTH member-owner schools for participating in this year's walking challenge! There were over 900 participants, more than double last years' challenge.
St. Joseph's College proved their mettle, winning the 2023 challenge. As usual, the winners receive an engraved trophy. They celebrated their victory in style with a special community lunch for families, friends, and neighbors. 🏆
Congratulations to all the participants! We are gratified that so many joined this spirited and healthful pursuit. Until next year...

These boots are made for walkin'
And that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.
- recorded by Nancy Sinatra

I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house. - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Discover All That's Inside edHEALTH's Member Portal
An important resource for edHEALTH member-owner schools 
DID YOU KNOW? When schools become member-owners of edHEALTH, they receive a portal account.
The information contained in the portal can help our member schools better understand and analyze the healthcare cost and utilization of their employees and predict future trends. Below are some of the highlights:
School-specific information
  • actuarial reports
  • high-cost claim reports
  • PCORI documents
  • Rx rebate information
  • quarterly utilization reports for clinical intervention program 
  • edHEALTH policies and guidelines
  • plan design information
  • meeting minutes 
  • school-wide presentations from edHEALTH and affiliated vendors
Current member-owner users: Click the log-in button below.
New member-owner users: Contact Cindy Bartelson for a personal tour OR stay tuned for upcoming introduction sessions.
Member-Owners: PORTAL LOG-IN
Trending Topics You'll Want to Read About
Change fatigue & employee disengagement. Health care costs are increasing in 2024.

These articles offer insights and information that may be useful to our member-owners and their employees.
Planning for Your 2024 Annual Open Enrollment
Optimizing for Success

September is a high-energy month, full of new beginnings, especially for our member-owners, their campuses, staff, and students. It's important to ensure that key messages are crafted, received, and acted upon. Health insurance is a critical support component but has the potential to be overlooked when competing interests are present.

Health insurance is vital, and this is one time of the school year where attention can be focused. With that in mind, edHEALTH Vice President Nancy McConaghy shares tips that help organizations host a more effective annual open enrollment period—for Human Resources staff and employees alike.

1.    Communicate consistently
“It is important that staff understand how benefits may change from year to year. Encouraging an annual review will be seen in a positive light." To optimize the impacts, make this information available through all channels: in person, email/eblasts, print, messaging, video, phone, social media feeds, and posting flyers around campus.

2.    Highlight benefit changes
Medical costs continue to rise Link to PwC 2024 "Medical Cost Trend" report. By highlighting changes, e.g., premium or cost-sharing and why these occur, employees will recognize that employers are doing what they can to ensure quality and comprehensive coverage.

Keeping messages brief, using plain language, and drawing attention to the major changes, will encourage employee participation.

3.    Invite vendors to participate
"There's nothing better than having your vendors onsite to speak with employees directly," states Nancy. "Personal and private contact with vendors (like your health plan partners, pharmacy vendors, EAP representatives, or dental carriers) brings added value including giving employees an opportunity to discuss and assess their situation with the experts."

4.    One size does not fit all
People learn in different ways. Recognizing that some employees learn best through conversation, like talking with someone at a health fair, while others absorb information sent in advance.
Employee schedules vary. Many employees work alternate hours, such as late afternoons or evenings. Ensure your hosted event overlaps with various shifts to maximize attendance and employee appreciation.

5.   Use MyConnect
MyConnect, a Member Advocate service team, is available to our edHEALTH schools at no additional cost. It is a direct connection with Harvard Pilgrim for your employees and their family members and provides personalized, convenient support along their healthcare journey. MyConnect gives one-on-one support for questions about benefits, finding care, or meeting healthy lifestyle goals. 
The Member Advocate service team can:
  • explain plan options during open enrollment, so employees can choose the plan that’s best for them and their family
  • find primary care providers (PCPs) and specialists
  • answer questions about coverage and claims
  • prepare the employee for medical appointments by checking the status of a pre-authorization or referral, and coordinate the care
  • connect the employee with HPHC’s clinical care team of nurses, social workers, lifestyle coaches, pharmacists and care coordinators
edHEALTH 101: Your gateway to our core values and operation
edHEALTH is designed to provide an introduction not only to the realm of captive insurance, but also to the unique positioning of edHEALTH as a high-value organization.

Our mission: We help higher education institutions and secondary schools save money on their employee health insurance costs, facilitate collaboration between Human Resources and Finance, and uncover innovative opportunities to improve health and value so colleges, universities, and secondary schools can focus on their mission of educating students. 

Topics covered in this one-hour presentation include:
  • our 25 members and growing
  • guiding principles
  • costs savings results over nine years of operation
  • our Board and business partners
  • how the captive works
  • value-add programs

Sign-up here for our October 12 or
November 9 sessions.
Calendar Corner for edHEALTH Member-Owner Schools

Key dates coming soon:

  • September 29, 2023 - 2Q23 rebates for most schools; 1Q23 Charter School Rebates
  • October 2023 - October Plan Design Committee, date TBA. Watch for your invitation.


Looking for the 2023 edHEALTH year-at-a-glance calendar? Log into your portal. As new dates get added, we'll update it and share at upcoming plan design committee meetings.

Learn something new? Like what you read?
Share this newsletter with your colleagues. Forward the email you received to pass along.

Have questions or ideas? Email Christina Cavanagh.
Interested in learning more about the many benefits of edHEALTH?
Call Nancy McConaghy at 1.866.692.7473 ext. 702 or send her an email.
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