Connect Newsletter

October 2023

Fall means a return to routine: school starts, extracurriculars that took a summer break resume, and life falls into more scheduled activities. In the life of congregations, this includes a new year of children’s programming, youth group, and Bible studies. May God meet you in this season and give you an increased awareness of his presence in your routines and the moments in between.

We have a lot of exciting things to share in this issue, so let’s dive in.

3 Ways I Saw the Lord Renew Hope Amid My Church's Crisis

“Do we remain open or close our doors for good?” That was the question Millersville BIC faced four years ago, and it led them into a season of rest, healing, and refocusing. Kristine Frey was on the church board during that period, and recently wrote about how she observed God working through the broader Brethren in Christ family to support her congregation through this challenging season. Read more»

Webinar: Church Treasurer 101

Join Mitch Martin – director of finance and shared services – on Wednesday, November 8 at 1 PM EST for “Church Treasurer 101.” This free webinar is ideal for church treasurers of all experience levels and will dive into internal controls, financial reporting, ministers’ housing allowance, and practical budgeting tips. Register now»

Honor and Shame

Cross-cultural living comes with a unique set of rewards and challenges. Jenni quickly discovered this when she moved to Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit that is home to the largest population of Arabs in the U.S. Jenni reflects on her time there and how she navigated honor and shame to bring the ultimate glory to God. Read more»

Resource Corner: Missionary Videos

Our global missions team serves in unique and diverse contexts around the world, and our Multimedia Library is full of videos featuring their voices! Get to know their hearts for the Kingdom and what led them to cross-cultural ministry. Watch the video below for a sneak preview of the kind of stories you’ll hear.

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Formed to Follow: General Assembly Registration

Just as the Lord has been forming and transforming his people through the centuries, so we are shaped by our relationship with him. Out of this formation, we follow him to love the world and share the redemption he offers. We hope you join us for General Assembly 2024 where we will dive further into this theme. Special, early bird rates available. Register now»

From the Meadow to the Mess

“To be a peacemaker is to move from the meadow to the mess and trust God’s grace to meet us there.” Pastor Ryan Cobb of Millersville BIC shares three perspectives for us to consider as we become peacemakers in a messy world. Read more»

BIC Foundation 15-Month Certificate

The BIC Foundation is pleased to announce 4.00% APY on a special 15-month certificate. The certificate was made available starting August 1, 2023, with a fixed rate through August 1, 2024, after which it will become a variable rate certificate. Contact the BIC Foundation at to learn more about this special offer.

Quizzing the Quizmaster

For decades, Bible Quizzing was a pillar of youth ministry for the BIC. Teenagers studied vast passages of scriptures, preparing to go up against teams from other churches in competitions. We recently found this article from 1982 that explores this important element of BIC ministry and how it impacted generations of BIC youth. Read the full article»

New Issue of Shalom!

A new issue of SHALOM! A Journal for the Practice of Reconciliation just released. Based on Micah 6:8, the writers for this edition reflect on what Micah means when he says that God requires us to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.” People from across BIC U.S. share stories of how they are participating in bringing about Christ’s justice and mercy in people’s lives. Read more»

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. -Matthew 6:33-34

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