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Fall Downtown Perry Wine Tasting

Downtown Perry's award winning Wine Tasting is back THIS MONTH!

Enjoy a variety of wine samplings, live entertainment, extended shopping hours, and more on October 20 beginning at 5 PM.

Proceeds from this event benefit the Perry Main Street Advisory Board for beautification and placemaking efforts in Downtown Perry.

Get Tickets

Downtown Perry's Sweets & Treats

Trick or Treat on Downtown Perry streets on October 27 from 5 -7 PM!

Downtown streets will be closed to traffic so that children can safely Trick or Treat from downtown businesses and other organizations. So put on your best Halloween costume and Trick or Treat with us!

If your business/organization is interested in participating to pass out candy, the form and details are available below. The deadline to register to participate is October 16.

I'm Interested!

Downtown Perry's Scarecrow Fest

Enjoy the fall atmosphere in Historic Downtown Perry by checking out the festive scarecrows that businesses and organizations across Middle Georgia have created for Downtown Perry's Scarecrow Fest!

The Scarecrow Fest takes place throughout the entire month of October.

The Mainstreet Messenger

Want to stay in-the-know on everything happening in Downtown Perry?

Click below to read Volume 2 of the Mainstreet Messenger!

The Mainstreet Messenger is your one-stop-shop for business highlights, upcoming meetings, and promotions happening in Historic Downtown Perry!

Read Volume 2

It's time to bring out the Halloween treats!

The City of Perry will observe Trick or Treat on Tuesday, October 31 from 6 - 8 P.M.

Perry Municipal Court Recognized For

Clearance Rate Excellence Award

Mayor and Council recognized Perry Municipal Court on being awarded the Clearance Rate Excellence Award by the Judicial Council's Standing Committee.

The Clearance Rate Excellence Award recognizes the top 10% of courts in each class of court that demonstrate exceptional performance in maintaining clearance rates, a key indicator of a court's ability to effectively manage its caseload.

Pictured from left to right:

Chief Judge James Freeman

Associate Judge David Smith

Chief Court Clerk Mirian Arrington

Court Clerk Sara Young

Mayor Randall Walker

Garden Coming Soon to Your Perry Public Library!

“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” ~ Cicero


A Native Plant Education Garden is coming soon to Perry’s Public Library to offer a delightful outdoor space. As an interactive teaching tool, this garden will enhance the fun and educational library programs offered to children and teens.  Adults and children alike will be able to enjoy nature and increase their knowledge. Signage will identify the native plants, and a QR code will provide in-depth information. The library will have a list of its gardening books for those who wish to plant their own garden or learn more about native plants.


The project began when Yolanda Young, the library’s Children's and Teen Services Specialist, asked about the Jr. Master Gardener program taught at elementary schools byMaster Gardener Extension Volunteers (MGEV). Pat Reynard, MGEV, and James Floyd, Branch Manager, worked together to apply for grants, including Master Gardener (MG) grants available to help fund community projects. From there the initiative has grown to include a group of volunteers who are designing and building the garden.


The overall goal is to enhance our community and encourage learning and partnerships to create long-term native plant gardens. This will promote increased wildlife activity, education, and public engagement. In addition to the library using the outdoor classroom, MGEV will offer classes to teach about native plants. 


Although grants from the library and MG gave the project a jumpstart, contributions from companies and individuals are helping bring it to life. Garden soil donated by Super Sod, Perry Ace Hardware, Houston Hardware, and Bonaire has been received so far. Soil, pine straw, and other donations are welcomed. 


Currently the garden is being prepared for planting. Soil tests have been done before and after solarization, and a design is being created to choose the best plants for year-round. Once the garden is ready, a ribbon cutting will be held to announce its opening and to thank community partners and all contributors. 


Visit the library to watch the garden come to life. For more information, or to donate, please contact Ms. Young or Mr. Floyd. See you in the garden!

Learn More

Volunteer at the Georgia National Fair!

Volunteering is a rewarding experience, whether you're looking for school service hours, want to bolster your resume, or simply wish to give back to your community!

Visit Perry is actively seeking individuals interested in volunteering at their Mobile Welcome Center during the Georgia National Fair!

Sign Me Up!

Amici Groundbreaking

Last month, ground was broken at the site of the new Amici restaurant located at 396 Perry Parkway!

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Personal Transportation Vehicles

As a reminder, the City of Perry implemented Personal Transportation Vehicle (PTV) registration and operation requirements within Perry’s city limits.

To provide for the use and operation of PTVs on City streets, Perry Mayor and Council approved an ordinance that allows PTVs to be driven safely and conform to state and local laws within the Perry community.

PTVs must be registered with the Perry Police Department. Registration is free. A decal, valid for three years, is issued to the registered owner after an inspection process.

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Officer Fennell Sworn In

Officer Austin Fennell was sworn in last month after graduating from Georgia Public Safety Training Center-Forsyth Campus.

Congratulations to Officer Fennell!

New Officers at the Perry Police Department

Officer Raven Smathers

Officer Matthew Wilson

Officer Dalton McCroskey

Officer James Smith

A Reminder from the Perry Police Department

The Police Department wishes to emphasize the importance of adhering to traffic laws, especially those related to speed limits, traffic control devices, and proper passing zones, for all drivers. 

The PPD has intensified its enforcement efforts against these violations, particularly focusing on addressing complaints received about younger drivers commuting to and from school.

Our goal is ensuring everyone arrives safely at their destination, and obeying traffic laws will help accomplish this goal.  

Trick Or Treat: Keep Your Storm Drains Neat!

This Fall, the Stormwater Division is challenging the City of Perry’s residents to keep their storm drains a debris free zone. Storm drains have a very important job; to transport stormwater to our local waterways. It is our responsibility to make sure that “only rain goes down the storm drains”!


Come and participate in the Stormwater Sticker Awareness Campaign on October 27 during Downtown Perry's Sweets & Treats to help spread the word on how to keep our storm drains neat!


Interested in volunteering? Contact Sarah Nottingham at (478) 988-2735 or

(478) 235-0166.

Downtown Perry Sweets & Treats

Payment System Maintenance

Beginning on October 11 at 5 P.M., a major server upgrade will begin and run throughout the day on October 12.

This means that online payments, in-person payments at Customer Service, and payments at the JACK Kiosk located in the Administration Building parking lot cannot be accepted while the upgrade is in progress.

Perry Fire Department August 2023 Stats

The Perry Fire Department is a 2 station department that

contains a staff of firefighters providing fire protection, emergency

medical services, technical rescue operations, fire safety education,

fire cause investigation, and fire code inspections to a population of approx.

23,000 over 28.5 square miles.

You can view a summary of the department's statistics

for the month of August above.

Learn More About the Perry Fire Department

Fire Safety Committee

The City of Perry Fire Safety Committee met last month to discuss proper use of fire extinguishers.

Each member was briefed on how to operate a fire extinguisher, and then had a hands-on opportunity to practice!

October Special Events

Fall Film Series: Ghostbusters: Afterlife

October 6 | Sunset

City of Perry Employee Values

City of Perry employees are proud to represent and serve the community of Perry, Georgia.

Over the last several years the City has been focused on the development and implementation of shared vision and mission statements that reflect how we perform our day-to-day work.

Click on the values to the left to read more about how we treat each other, as well as the citizens of our community.

Join the City of Perry Family!

It comes as no surprise that so many people love the quality of life that the City of Perry affords. But did you know that the City also provides extraordinary career opportunities?

View Current Job Openings

Stay Connected!

Perry Points

Stay connected to the City of Perry by signing up for Perry Points!

In addition to the existing text service, Perry Points is accessible on the City’s website!

Perry Points can be found on the City’s website where both desktop and mobile users will notice the feature on the lower right corner of their browser window. Clicking on the icon launches a chat window, greeting residents and prompting them to enter their questions or service requests.

Learn More

Inside Perry Podcast

The City of Perry’s Communications Office launched the Inside Perry podcast to give listeners an inside look at Perry’s local government.

We discuss topics such as City operations, events, and other interests of City residents and businesses.

Episodes are available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle Podcasts, and iHeartRadio.

Interested in a Specific Topic? Let Us Know!

Searching For Ways To Get Involved?

If you are passionate about Perry and enjoy interacting with others, you will love volunteering with Visit Perry where you can provide the local perspective on where to eat, sleep, shop, and play in Perry to first time visitors, new residents, and seasonal guests!

Sign Me Up!
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Downtown Parking Map

Heading into Historic Downtown Perry soon?

We have an interactive map where you can see the available parking located throughout the area.

Downtown Parking Map