L'shanah tovah

Fun Prophecy

How many fulfilled prophecies are there combined in The Book of Mormon, the Quran, in Buddhism, and Hinduism?


In the Bible there are over 2,500 prophecies, 2,000 of which have been fulfilled.

So far.

While there are over 300 prophecies in the Bible concerning the coming of the Messiah, many are repetitive. However, Dr. David Reagan found 109 "separate and distinct" prophecies concerning the coming of Christ.

Peter Stoner, an astrophysicist and numbers expert calculated the odds that just SEVEN of them could accidentally happen in the life of one person, or that these prophecies were just happenstance. His calculations came out thusly:

1 out of 1,000,000,000,000,000,00 chance that those SEVEN prophecies could just be chance. Imagine those odds if you add in another 100 prophecies! A 2018 Mega-Million $1.6 billion jackpot only had the odds of 1 in 302,575,350.

(dumb voice) Well that's cool for the first coming of Christ, but at least there's nothing about the second coming of Jesus, because we all know he's dead—"

Actually there are over 500 prophecies of the second coming of Christ. And he's not coming back to be slaughtered this time. No, he's coming back with a tattoo and a sword on a blood-spattered horse. (And he's heard all the jokes)

One of my favorite fulfilled prophecies

Cyrus the Great Sees His OWN Name Was Written In the Bible Over 150 Years BEFORE He Was BORN

Basically, about 150 years before Cyrus was born, God told the prophet Isaiah that a guy named Cyrus would be born 150 years later in Persia and return the Jews to Israel from captivity

“This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him . . ."

‘I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me’

God goes on to say of the as-yet-unborn Cyrus:

"He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please"


Once Cyrus comes along and becomes "Cyrus the Great" and is shown his name and purpose in the Bible, he is moved to fulfill the prophecy and makes the following decree in 2 Chronicles 26:22:

‘Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, “The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of all his people, may the LORD his God be with him. Let him go up.”’

That is so cool!

Director's cut in Isaiah

Really Dumb, Suspicious Voice: "So what? that just means that someone came along after Isiah and wrote the prophecies in later after the fact."

The Prophecy in Detail

"If the plain sense makes sense don't take it for any other sense or you'll end up with nonsense"

David Reagan


Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head; and he fell to the ground and worshiped.

And he said:

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,

And naked shall I return there.

The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away;

Blessed be the name of the LORD.”

If you have a relationship with Christ, try something the next time you feel sadness, grief or sorrow. Praise him. Thank him for his love and mercy. See if you don't feel God's power and love embolden you and lift you up. Pray for someone else you know who needs prayer and see if you aren't suddenly aware of the awesomeness of your Lord God Almighty

If you don't have a relationship with Christ I suggest you get one fast. There are no second chances in eternity

Among the OTHER lessons Job teaches us is Satan can't touch us if God won't let him. Not Satan, and none of his demons. We know this because in the very first chapter when God asks Satan, our accuser, if he's noticed what a great servant Job is, Satan seethes:

"Of course he is! You've put a hedge of protection around him. Remove that and it will be a different story."

I like to picture, when praying for a hedge of protection, that God is putting an electrical fence around us and Satan and his henchmen get zapped every time they try to get to us.

And is it not comforting to know when bad things do happen, it is because God has allowed it? For whatever reason, sometimes he gives the Evil One permission to touch us. However, not without God standing right there with us.

When Satan thought he had scored a victory over Job, God's hands were right there under Job, and while Satan celebrated, God was busy restoring to Job all he had lost and more

"Yes, but Job's children were still dead!"

No, they are still living in glory. Any time the Enemy thinks he has scored a victory over us, God changes it to good. Satan can't even kill us. The only victories he gets are the ones we hand him when we allow him to distract us from Christ. And even those, God will turn to good at some point

Don't wait for suffering to occur in your life to absorb some of the lessons the Book of Job offers us.

Just a Few More Tidbits From the Book of Job

In Revelation 16:21 John sees hailstones that weigh 100 pounds raining down upon Earth. In Genesis, God asks Job if he's so smart, "Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or seen where the hail is stored which I've reserved for the tribulation to come?"

We have just recently discovered hot springs in the ocean depths, yet God asked Job, "Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea, or explored the recesses of the deep?"

In Job 38, God calls the gravitational pull that binds the seven stars of Pleiades and the constellation of Orion's Belt, "The sweet influence." What a beautiful name for gravity!

(Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?)

When do I get My Inheritance?

It seems so far off and away when we're caught up in this cauldron of a world. When do we get our inheritance? Good news: now. God is our inheritance and as soon as we belong to him our eternal inheritance begins. Enjoy!

Rebuilding the Temple

Are you a backslider? Are you an apostate? Did you have it all, walk away from God, lose everything and now you're back, wondering if it will ever be as good as before?

When Israel had Solomon's temple, nothing was as glorious. It was one of the wonders of the ancient world. Everybody was in awe. Except for God. All of the gold, silver, Lebanese wood, craftmanship, marble, rare fabrics...this temple had all the glitz and glamor but the people didn't have God in their hearts, so he didn't dwell in that luxurious palace.

Then God became tired of watching them glorify their temple but not their God and he let the enemy come in, smash the temple down into burned rubble, and cart off the people to a foreign land

70 years later the people began returning because God wanted them to rebuild the temple. It was difficult because there was no more gold...actually, no more anything, yet they battled enemies, jealous locals, mockers, and their own lack of time and energy and finally came up with...


Those who remembered the original temple burst into tears about how shabby their efforts were. Those who heard stories shook their heads. What a failure. To all except God, who said, "Ah, now THIS, I can live in!"

This rebuilt temple had none of the shimmering beauty of Solomon's temple, but the people's hearts leaned toward God, and the Chicana Glory found a home.

Have you come back to God ragged and broken, wishing it could be as good as it was before? Guess what: it's even better

Beautiful Spurgeon Quote


 “It is also called a ‘living hope,’ because it is imperishable. Other hopes fade like withering flowers. The hopes of the rich, the boasts of the proud, all these will die out as a candle when it flickers in the socket.

The hope of the greatest monarch has been crushed before our eyes; he set up the standard of victory too soon, and has seen it trailed in the mire.

There is no unwaning hope beneath the changeful moon: the only imperishable hope is that which climbs above the stars, and fixes itself upon the throne of God and the person of Jesus Christ.” 

Biologists Update. Scientists Update. Archeology Updates.

The Bible?

Goliath Sized Spears

 In 1963 spearheads were found in Turkey the same size the measurements in the Bible gave of Goliath's spear and those of other giants.

Scientists are quick to say the spears are too big for normal people to use in battle, so they were probably ornamental. Even while commenting on the fact that the spearheads seem to have seen action.

The museum that houses them doesn't do justice when photographed through the glass, so author Joel Kramer holds a cardboard replica

However, the Creation Museum knows these aren't ornamental and has a Goliath-style spear made to scale"

2 John.

What. Is. Up. With That?

So John basically says, 'Waddup?' to a lady, mentions a couple things, peace outs, and THAT MAKES IT INTO THE BIBLE AS A BOOK?

In First John he tells everybody, “Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward”

In 2 John he decides false teachers are prominent enough and dangerous enough, so he slips an extra reminder into the Bible

He tells this lady that if they aren't careful they will lose their gifts in heaven, and lose their way on earth. Was it really THAT necessary to add it AGAIN to the Bible?

Look around at all the people sending their life savings to false teachers on the TV. These poor people need their own personal 2 John book with its own study guide to carry around at all times

Watch yourselves!

"Faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God"

AW Tozer

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