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Vintage Scouting Memorabilia On eBay
A first world problem is how do you logically lot up several thousand CSPs in order to raise the average sales price. Right now on eBay I have over 10k listings in my category of CSPs. Listing a bunch of common CSPs one at a time does not make much sense. So what do I do with the approximately 2-3k CSPs we have just finished sorting?
In the past I have tried making random lots of a 12, 50 or 100 CSPs to see if I can move them out in bulk. My next iteration of that was listing them by council. In my store you can see these lots where I might have a dozen CSPs from the same council. I've also put them on the Facebook Group and blown out a bunch there. I'm going to try something different this time.
We are going to create lots by state that will feature different council strips with no duplicates in the group. While I have not settled on the number imagine getting offered a dozen different CSPs from your state for a price that was less than $3 each. I know many of you would still pass but perhaps some newer collectors might take this on as trade stock or to build out a collection. As they say there are many ways to skin a cat....wait I love cats that's a terrible analogy.
On eBay I have 167 live auctions on Santeeswapper. This is a mix of event patches, SAPs, and camp patches. Meanwhile over on OApatch have 62 live auctions heading into the home stretch of 2023.
If you have any other ideas of how to move thousands of CSPs while getting a return on investment let me know. I'm pretty patient about sitting on my eggs once they are bought and paid for. I've listed individual CSPs in the $3.95-$4.95 range and do get some sales. But I think with the quantities I've got in this sort that it's time to get creative.