December 15, 2023

Looking at Stark's Newest Report Card Data

As we enter the final weeks of 2023, the SEP Team would like to take a moment to reflect on some of the successes Stark County schools saw in this year’s Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Report Cards.

A special thank you is due to our friends at the Stark County Educational Service Center who provided much of the updated data. Additional metrics will also be available on the Stark Education Partnership Data Dashboard in the coming weeks.

Reading & Math Success

In the most recent reporting cycle, there are increases in the metrics for Third Grade Reading and Eighth Grade Math Success.

Third Grade Reading and Eighth Grade Math Success are both early indicators of future success for students. These metrics both surpassed their 2021 post-pandemic numbers, indicating an upward trend and continued recovery from learning loss that may have occurred during that time.

Industry Credentials & Total Degrees

This most recent reporting cycle also showed increases in the metrics for Students Earning a Recognized Industry Credential, and Total Degree Attainment.

The percentage of Students Earning a Recognized Industry Credential increased from 11.60% to 16.23% and the percentage of Total Degree Attainment rose from 33.60% to 35.90%. Our students are graduating from their respective programs, increasingly ready for employment at all levels.

As a result of SEP’s career-connected learning initiative, we anticipate further increases in the coming years both in industry credential and degree attainment. These metrics are directly aligned with SEP’s mission and vision, and it is encouraging to see growth already taking place across Stark County.

As students participate in career-connected learning, including work-based learning experiences, one goal is to help them build a career plan informed by these experiences and to take concrete next steps following graduation. We look forward to increases in credential attainment, college persistence, 

degree attainment, and ultimately job placement as students build meaningful and fulfilling lives in Stark County, or wherever life may lead them.

High School Graduation

Alongside the increases noted above, the high school graduation rate remained consistent. School year 2022 graduation stood at 91.04% – down slightly from the 2021 rate which stood at 91.6%. While this is less than a 1% decrease, it does indicate a potential area for focus and growth.

Room for Growth

Though there were many successes in this year's report card, there were also decreases in the Kindergarten Reading Assessment, Students Earning 12+ College Credits in HS, and Some College/Degree Attainment. The largest drop observed was in the Some College and Degree Attainment metric which fell from 52.2% to 34.7% – though this may be an indicator that more students are persisting through their second year of college and working toward completing their degrees.

Thank you to our teachers and community partners who are working everyday to empower Stark County’s students to attain fulfilling careers and lives. Our community is blessed to have such engaged and talented educators and business owners committed to this most important work!

Stark Education Partnership (SEP) provides a much needed support system to local workforce and education entities by acting as a CATALYST for implementing new programs, works as a CONNECTOR of people and organizations, and is viewed as a trusted CORNERSTONE organization in StarkCounty.