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Push for Passage of Federal Bills

to Retain Medicare Rates

Congress will be in session for a short period and now is the time to indicate support for House and Senate bills to retain our blended rates. California has multiple Congressional members who sit on key policy Committees. Here is the alert from AAHomecare for a virtual targeted Fly-In for November 13th and what you need to do:

AAHomecare will be holding one more targeted virtual fly-in this year on Nov. 13 to make another strong push for HR 5555 and S. 1294 before the end of the year, we have more information in our Insider.

We are not charging for participation in meetings; we are targeting only members of Committees of Jurisdiction. I am hoping we can get some good California advocates for Nov. 13, but we need help identifying constituents for the following members:


  • Rep. Mike Thompson (W&M)
  • Rep. Doris Matsui (E&C)
  • Rep Anna Eshoo (E&C)
  • Rep Jimmy Panetta (W&M)
  • Rep Jay Obernolte (E&C)
  • Rep. Raul Ruiz (E&C)
  • Rep Judy Chu (W&M)
  • Rep Tony Cardena (E&C)
  • Rep Linda Sanchez (W&M)
  • Rep Nanette Barragan (E&C)
  • Rep. Michelle Steele (E&C)
  • Rep. Scott Peters (E&C)


We’re asking constituents of those members to please fill out this availability/contact form if they can participate on Nov. 13.

VGM is also supporting a campaign for that same effort 55 in 55 Days to build support for the two federal bills. Here is a link to the campaign and how you can participate: Champions of Change: 55 in 55.


Please take action to help preserve the progress that is being made on Medicare reimbursement!