Light in the Window - October 27, 2023

Students from Cleveland Institute of Art painting a mural on “abundance” for the hallway outside Dowd Commons in the Education wing, in partnership with Katherine Chilcote.

Bubbles make everyone smile. Last Sunday in worship, Julie Mailey walked down our long church aisle blowing bubbles. She was there to make an announcement that the season of stewardship has begun, and the theme is Abundant Joy! 

In the New Testament, the word “steward” is rooted in the Greek word οἰκονόμον, which connects best to the English word, manager. All we have is essentially given to us by God on loan, temporarily. The basic premise for stewardship is this: God is the owner; we are the managers. Psalm 24 reads, “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to God.” Knowing that everything belongs to God changes how we view people, time, possessions, and money.  

Julie’s introduction to stewardship season at Covenant was a joyful call to be “joy seekers.” While serving in a variety of roles, including Sunday School teacher, Julie “found quick joys, like watching preschoolers chase bubbles. But also, slow and solid joys in watching those same preschoolers, all grown up, working to build community here in Cleveland and around the world. She recalled how some of those “bubble chasers” are stepping up to serve- as a teacher, an artist, a trauma nurse, a nursing instructor, a supporter of women’s empowerment around the globe, an administrator for individuals with diverse abilities, a Cleveland council member, a chief of community initiatives in the Maryland governor’s office of crime prevention, a candidate for Cuyahoga County prosecutor and a provider of agricultural best practices for farmers. Inspiring examples of young people making a difference in the world!

Your gifts can make a difference too. Good stewardship of time, talent, treasure and influence is the way we return thanks to God, the giver of all abundant gifts.

Did you ever notice that no matter how many bubbles you blow, the container never seems to be empty? It’s like that with God too, the more we express joy and gratitude, the more there is to share. Here’s to bubble chasers everywhere, who know deep down how much love matters, and play, and creativity too- it all comes from God!

Praying with and for you,

Pastor Jessie

[email protected]

A message outside the Cleveland Institute of Art

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