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Making Tracks

The Newsletter of the Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Joyfully Connecting our Community with the Wonder of the Refuge


Free Admission ~ Live Music ~ Local Micro Brews~ Artisan and Craft Vendors Noon-6 PM Daily include jewelry, leather goods, ceramics, pottery, photography, art & more

Langer's Entertainment Outdoor Festival Field

21650 SW Langer Farms Parkway

Sherwood, OR 97140

Bring your friendly dog and they can enjoy our "Doggie Lounge " relief area brought to you by Sherwood Camp Bow Wow

Saturday Noon-9 PM Micro Brew Pints $6.50

Live Music Line Up

Saturday Aug 5th

1-3 The Dudes - Classic Rock & Country

4-6 Accidental Folk - pop/rock/folk

7-9 The New Iberians- Portland's favorite Zydeco

Sunday Aug 6th Noon- 6 PM Micro Brew Pints $3.25

1-3 Bridge City Blues - Classic Electric Blues

4-6 Filthy Skillets- Bluegrass with a twist!

Also enjoy all of the family entertainment and delicious food that Langer's is known for.

All Beer garden sales benefit the Friends!


July 22, 2023 8:30 AM  19255 SW Pacific Highway

July 25, 2023 2:00PM  Riparian Room 19255 SW Pacific HWY

August 05, 2023

12:00 -9:00PM  Langer's Entertainment Center Sherwood, Oregon

August 06, 2023

12:00 -6 PM  Langer's Entertainment Center Sherwood, Oregon

August 09, 2023

10:00 AM Tualatin River NWR

August 12, 2023

9:00 AM  Tualatin River NWR

August 22, 2023

2:00 PM  Riparian Room 19255 SW Pacific HWY

October 14, 2023 9:30 AM Riparian Room 19255 SW Pacific HWY 

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President's Perch

by Cheryl Hart, President

Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate our 30th  Anniversary as a Friends group and our partnership with the Refuge. We held a cook-out for all our members at the Dennis Unit Bunk House. Walt Chuck, Project Manager Rebecca Chuck’s husband handled the duties wearing his professional chef hat. There was plenty of food for everyone—hamburgers, hotdogs and sides all topped off with Anniversary cakes, thank you!

Curt Mykut, Refuge Biologist and his band, The Dudes (that includes Mike Burnett, a long-time refuge volunteer) provided the entertainment. We knew these guys were talented at the jobs they do on the refuge but who knew they were also excellent musicians? The music was a perfect background for everyone to make new Friends and renew old acquaintances.

Among those who attended were some of our founding members including Jim Rapp, Tom Stibolt, and Lisa Brenner. It was wonderful to have them there to help us all celebrate what they accomplished 30 years ago and what we have all worked hard to maintain and continue.

Speaking of celebrations, please save the date, Saturday, October 14 for our Annual Meeting. You may remember that one of the changes to our bylaws at the last Annual Meeting was to change our Annual Meeting to October so that our fiscal year will be closed out before the meeting. We hope you will join us for another celebration of our accomplishments.

Have you heard about Brews for the Birds? This is our big Friends fundraiser. It will be held August 5th & 6th at Langer’s Entertainment in Sherwood. This will be a family-friendly event. We will have a Beer Tent, 5 bands including Blues, Folk, Rock, Bluegrass, and Zydeco and over 20 local artisans and organizations as vendors. If you would like to help with this event, please call Bonnie at the Friends office 503 625-5944. Then support you Friends by attending this new annual event. It’s gonna be FUN!

Congratulations to Bonnie Anderson, our Friends Executive Director on completing her

certification as a nonprofit fundraiser. We are so fortunate to have someone with that kind of training to help lead our organization into the future.

Stay cool, everyone! See you on the refuge!


Focus on Friends

by Bonnie Anderson,

Executive Director

"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks"

-John Muir

The Friends and Refuge staff once again participated in a time honored Sherwood tradition- the Robinhood Festival Parade. It was a great opportunity to raise awareness of the Friends and the Refuge but also our upcoming Brews for the Birds Beer & Music Festival that will take place in Sherwood on Aug 5th & 6th. And although it was not technically a walk in "nature" we did receive a great deal of appreciation from the parade attendees for the Refuge and all that the Friends do!

The Friends are in full planning mode for our upcoming festival and we hope that you will help us get the word out about this new community event to support the Friends. We have an amazing line up of live music , arts and craft vendors, conservation partners and lots of donated local brews! All beer garden sales will go directly to support the Friends and the work that we do for the Refuge.

Brews for the Birds Beer & Music Festival: A Benefit for the Friends

We hope to see everyone out at our first ever Brews for the Birds Festival fundraiser from noon- 9 on Saturday August 5th and noon- 6 on Sunday August 6th.

We are looking for

Volunteer needs include

  • Auction and Raffle Sub-Committee
  • Vendor and Exhibitor Sub-Committee
  • Alcohol Monitoring Support Crew
  • Set up/Clean up Crew

Please email me for details

We hope to see everyone at Langer's Entertainment in Sherwood, Oregon in August- and a huge thank you to Langer's for their support of the Friends and the Refuge.

See you on the trails!


2nd Saturday Work Party

Bella Padgett and Carly Hirschmann led a successful June 2nd Saturday Work Party. The volunteers did an amazing job weeding and caring for the planting beds that are the home of our six new pollinator gardens. We appreciated Carly stepping up to show Bella the new Habitat Restoration Specialist the ropes !

Join Bella for her next 2nd Saturday Work Party on August 12th at the Refuge.

Calling All Photographers

By Phyllis Millan

Take a great picture of you/family while visiting national, state parks this summer? A great shot of a bird, mammal or reptile? We'd love you to share this with all your "Friends" .Let’s share the beauty of TRNWR and other wild places through your pictures. Submit via email to include your name, where the picture was taken and any pertinent information

Photo this month by Richard Scheideman

Jace & Yaire participated in the Robinhood Parade and Visited Chachalu Tribal Museum in Grand Ronde with the Friends and Refuge Staff.

A Warm Friends' Welcome to our Green Jobs Interns from TRK and Centro Cultural

Jace Garcia & Yaire Martinez will be interning with the Friends until the end of August through a Metro Grant from Tualatin Riverkeepers. Jace & Yaire have attended various trainings, fieldtrips and meetings. They plan to spend time at the two refuge sites this summer connecting with the community and hosting interpretive tables.

Friends Apply for TREE Grant

Executive Director Bonnie Anderson and Refuge Biologist Curt Mykut hosted staff from Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District to tour the Olsen Unit. This area of the Refuge is the focus of a proposed 30 acre restoration project that the Friends submitted a Letter of Interest for. After the site visit the Friends were given the greenlight to submit a full proposal for the project. We will keep everyone posted if we are awarded the TREE grant. There will be a lot of opportunities for community members to participate in this restoration project. One of the many benefits of volunteering is being able to help restore units of the Refuge that are closed to the public.

Friends & Refuge Staff Visit Chachalu in Grand Ronde

Friends and Refuge staff were treated to a guided tour of the Chachalu Tribal Museum and Cultural Center of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde on Thursday July 13th. We encourage everyone to visit this important museum especially to see their exhibit MY FATHER'S FATHER 'S SISTER: Our Ancestor SHIMKHIN. This exhibit runs from April 20th - November 4th, 2023 and features the art work of Steph Littlebird Fogel. We were lucky enough to run into Steph, who was in town giving a reading of the book she illustrated My Powerful Hair. Steph has been a generous supporter of the Friends , giving of her time during our virtual Bird Festival and supporting our work with Greenway Elementary School.

Thank you to all of the Friends that made it out for our 30th Anniversary Celebration. It was a special night filled with conversation, music and wonderful food. A special thank you to The Dudes for providing outstanding entertainment, Chef Walter for his culinary skills and the support of Refuge staff.

This Week at Interior

Jul 14, 2023

This Week: Secretary Haaland announces $660 million to take on legacy pollution; a $185 million investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will support wildland fire management nationwide; Deputy Secretary Beaudreau commemorates an expanded bison facility in Yellowstone National Park; Interior leaders visit Missouri and Arizona to highlight how the Investing in America agenda is contributing to better public access; Interior announces a partnership to open new doors for Alaska Native students; there's a new effort for clean energy on public lands; the Bureau of Land Management celebrates a birthday; and some northwestern waters take on an extra shade of awesome in our social media Picture of the Week!

Friends of the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge Complex

19255 SW Pacific Hwy Sherwood, Oregon 97140

503.625.5944 x 15227
