Sprague’s Pipit, (Anthus spragueii), was first described by Audubon in 1844 in North Dakota. It is named after Issac Sprague – an artist who accompanied Audubon on some of his trips. The family Motacillidae contains 6 genera and about 70 species of wagtails and Pipits, but most are old world species and indeed Sprague’s is the only member found exclusively in North America and Mexico. It is monotypic, (no subspecies).
Sprague’s Pipits are migratory, breeding in Southern Canada and the North of the US (the Dakotas, Minnesota etc.). In Winter they are found in the Southern US and Mexico.
Preferred habitats are short grass fields, plains and prairies where they are often found foraging in weedy areas. Note Sprague’s Pipits are very secretive and can often be difficult to find.
Breeding season is quite short running from May to early July. A nest of grass and twigs is made on the ground (sometimes with a canopy) and 3-6 buffy speckled eggs are laid. These are incubated and hatch in about 13 days, fledging about 11 days later. Note that nesting success is very low and to compensate many pairs have 2 broods a year. Also of note is the elaborate courtship display with the male plunging from high towards the ground, the female flying up to meet him.
Sprague’s pipits are mostly insectivorous feeding on crickets and grasshoppers in the main. Some weed seeds are also eaten when insects are scarce.
A short tailed stocky pipit that is very secretive. The upper parts are brown but darkly streaked appearing almost scaled. The wings are dark with two white wing-bars. The underparts are buffy with a necklace of fine streaks on the chest. It has un-streaked buffy flanks and belly, white undertail coverts and pale legs. The face is pale and buffy with a “vacant” stare.
The song is a series of descending notes and the call is a high-pitched seep-seep.
Interesting Facts:
· The diving flight display is the longest of any bird and may last 3-4 hours
· Although not listed as threatened, Sprague’s Pipit numbers are declining rapidly due to habitat loss
· As Sprague’s Pipits are solitary or live in pairs there is no distinct collective noun.