October is a perfect time to think about an organization you have been excited to be a part of – whether it was a workplace, volunteer opportunity, or some other group. What was the ‘special sauce’ that made you come alive in that setting?
I have always wondered, as have many of my clients, what that elusive something is that makes a culture fun, productive, and impactful to work in. What creates an atmosphere (some call it energy) that draws us in and makes us feel connected, collaborative, and effective?
And whether we are extroverts or introverts, we are hardwired to be social. To belong, to be connected is a strong fundamental urge that helps us feel safe and part of something. Take that away (hello, pandemic) and we feel lost, lonely, and uninspired.
Check out the article below about a Google experiment below that highlights that when individuals in a team have the shared belief of safety their interpersonal risk-taking increases which is one of the keys to team and organizational success.