July 6th, 2023

In this message...
  • Call for Moderators: Moderate one of the Caucus' sessions at APHA 2023
  • Registration for APHA 2023 now open. Join us in Atlanta!
  • Register to attend the CBPH Caucus Breakfast Business Meeting at APHA 2023

APHA 2023 Registration

Now Open

This year's theme is Creating the Healthiest Nation: Overcoming Social and Ethical Challenges

Early Registration goes through July 17th!

You can find more information about costs and registration at the APHA website:

We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!

Call for Moderators for CBPH Caucus Sessions at APHA 2023

Sign-up here by July 31st!

Moderators are an essential part of making our sessions great! We are asking for volunteers to moderate our CBPH Caucus Oral and Roundtable Sessions.

Find out more about moderating APHA sessions at

Click here to sign up to moderate specifically for a CBPH Caucus Session.

Register to attend the CBPH Caucus Breakfast Business Meeting at APHA 2023


The CBPH Caucus's Breakfast Business Meeting will take place during APHA 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia, on 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023, from 6:30 a.m.-8:00 a.m.!

During the Business Meeting, we will discuss the state of the Caucus, reflect on where we hope to go in the future, with your engagement, and share leadership opportunities.

We are able to host 40 people at the Business Meeting, and breakfast will be provided.

If you are attending APHA and want to attend the CBPH Caucus Breakfast Business Meeting, please register hereSpaces are limited, so if you know you want to attend the Breakfast Business Meeting, please register as soon as possible.

Registration link:

Registration QR Code:


Note: As we have limited spaces, if you register but are ultimately not able to attend, please contact Rachel Berkowitz as soon as possible ( 

Get Involved!

Do you want to get more involved in the Community-Based Public Health Caucus?

Are you interested in exploring leadership roles and gaining experience supporting our historic group within APHA?

We want to hear from you! Contact Chair DeWaun Robinson ( and Chair-Elect Dr. Raheem Young ( to learn more.
Share with the Network!

Do you have an upcoming community-engaged and/or community-based webinar, event, or opportunity that you want to share with the CBPHC network?

Email Rachel Berkowitz ( to see about including it in an upcoming newsletter!

Please include "CBPHC Newsletter" in the email subject.
Visit our Website
Learn more about the CBPH Caucus by visiting our website
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