October Issue 2023


Let’s help make childhood what it ought to be…

Everyone thinks they have the best dog – and none of them is wrong.”

Nancy Reese (in red) has been an extraordinary Cobbled Streets’ volunteer. She has been dog sitting and donating all the proceeds to help ensure children in foster care have the support and encouragement they need. Her generosity has helped hundreds of children experience enriching opportunities that mitigate their sadness and help them thrive. Cobbled Streets is grateful beyond measure. 


A Few Words..... 

Shari F. Shink, Esq. 

Founder and Executive Director

"The idea of Cobbled Streets is the inspiration of four decades of work on behalf of traumatized children in Colorado. This work has illuminated the inadequacies of a fractured system responsible for our most vulnerable children. Too often, these children are a reflection of the adults who have failed them. 

Children are precious. They need to be protected and nurtured; they need to have the chance to thrive, to discover their passion, and to experience the joy childhood should be. 

Many foster and kin families don’t have the resources for their children to heal and dream. Cobbled Streets is dedicated to changing that. Our mission is providing individual experiences and enriching opportunities …and we are on our way."

Our three-year milestone is just the beginning!


This year we celebrate the generosity of our donors, the support of our community partners and volunteers, and our hardworking team who have made this a reality.  We are grateful beyond words.

Visit our website


Sarah Martin's Interview

Tim Lindow's Interview

The Joy of New Bikes

Leah and Amy’s grandmother asked Cobbled Streets to help with new bikes for her granddaughters.  It had been a very difficult week. She wanted them to have bikes and perhaps bring a little joy into their lives. They were each able to choose a new bike and helmet. Leah even got to get a doll carrier for the back of her bike!  Because the bikes were purchased online, they arrived unassembled. Sophie, our Program Coordinator, assembled the bikes and delivered them with a meal from their favorite restaurant.  Their grandmother was right…it did bring a little joy into their lives.


Luis is 9-years-old and often struggles because of his autism. He is especially gifted in understanding the world of dinosaurs. With the support of Cobbled Streets, Luis’ grandmother took him and his sister to Dinosaur Ridge in Morrison. This is a large outdoor park at the foot of the Rockies designed to showcase real dinosaur fossils found on the side of the mountains.


She described the experience by saying “Luis took over the tour and was sharing dinosaur facts with the tour guide!” The tour guide, quickly aware of Luis’ interest and knowledge, shared a fossil replica and asked Luis where it fit. Luis, thinking for a few minutes, suggested it must be a platelet from the stegosaurus, which belongs on the animal's back. To the astonishment of the guide, he was correct! Luis said, “easy peasy…ask me a hard question!” 


The tour guide told Luis’ grandmother that he has real potential to become a paleontologist if he continues this path. She knew Luis loved dinosaurs but came to realize how much he knew about them. She believes “the day at Dinosaur Ridge will change everything for him.”

News & Events

Get Ready for Colorado Gives Day 2023!

Colorado Gives Foundation launched Colorado Gives 365 nearly two decades ago, and since 2021, Cobbled Streets donors have contributed nearly $50K to help children in foster care experience a childhood they ought to have!

This year Colorado Gives 365 is doing a special matching program for monthly donors – the foundation will match up to $100 for each monthly donor who signs up starting November 1st (after their 2nd month of donating). Monthly giving is an easy way for you to support Cobbled Streets.  Then, the only thing you have to do is check in to see the great work we're doing!

Tuesday, December 5th is Colorado Gives day this year.   Early bird donations can be scheduled on November 1st and Colorado Gives 365 allows donors to connect with us year-round.

Find Out More

Saturday Event with Foster Source

We are so grateful for the volunteers who participated

in Saturday’s special event with Foster Source.

Upcoming Events

Donate to Cobbled Streets to help children in foster care
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