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Join us for


November 12, 2023 at 7:00am & 9:00am

Commemoration of Queen Lili’uokalani

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November 19 - The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost

November 26 - Commemoration of the Holy Sovereigns

December 3 - First Sunday of Advent

December 10 - Second Sunday of Advent


Dear St. Augustine's 'ohana,

This Sunday, we commemorate Queen Lili'uokalani, who lived as a light-filled example of loving compassion. In the face of persecution, she embraced the spirit of reconciliation. Her actions inspire us, especially as we reflect on what's happening in the world today.

No human being deserves the horrific violence of war, no matter how complex the circumstances. Trauma researcher and Holocaust survivor Dr. Gabor Maté acknowledges that it is difficult to speak about the violence in Gaza, no matter where you stand. He says (my paraphase) that emotions evoked by events of the past are understandable; they can serve as an explanation of the violence, but they cannot serve as a justification of the violence. Nothing can justify the violence.

"Explainable and justifiable are not the same," he says. "If our intention is to move forward to peace, we have to be able to understand the experiences and emotions of the other side." Maté says there needs to be ceasefire and a dialog leading to the exchange of innocent hostages being held on both sides.

I encourage you to watch his video interview with his daughter, Hannah, which offers a compassionate and important counterpoint to views held by David Gappell, who spoke after church last week at St. Augustine's. I have deep compassion for Gappell's perspective, and I'm glad we listened to him. He and his family yearn for peace. I also see the wisdom of a path to peace that acknowledges the oppressive and violent colonialism that some Zionist views have produced in Gaza and the West Bank.

It's a complex situation. For peace and reconciliation to take hold, it's necessary to understand that no single group—Zionists, Israelis, Palestinians, etc.—can be condensed to one view. I continue to sit with this from a position of needing to learn much more about others' views and from a position of continual work inside myself to acknowledge and transmute views I hold (especially subconscious views or biases) that stand in the way of embracing reconciliation. As a church, as a diocese, we will embark on a journey of reconciliation in 2024 through a course developed to help us each step of the way. It's difficult work of vital importance for our 'ohanas, our community, and our world.

Above all, our responsibilities lie in holding love and compassion. And so, as we commemorate Queen Lili'uokalani this weekend, let's reflect on a message of love from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry:

"You may know me as the pastor who is always talking about love, and I am. But today I am mindful that the urgency of love—true, sacrificial love that respects all of humanity—is not just a good feeling, and it is not easy.


We are called to a love that demands much from us. We are called to a love that tells the truth.


Today I raise my voice for love because more than 10,000 people have died in Gaza, including more than 4,000 children.


The violence is horrific, and the geopolitics are complex, but my call to love is simple: Stop the killing. Stop all of it. Stop it today.


We will not be silent while an entire population is denied food, water, electricity, and fuel needed to run hospitals. We cannot stand by while thousands of civilians die. Our partners in the region tell us they live in terror—that they feel they have died even while alive. They feel that the international community is tacitly sanctioning the killing of civilians and the bombing of schools, hospitals, and refugee camps.


Staying quiet in this moment would be a stain upon our souls and would deepen our complicity.


U.S. leadership must tell Israel to stop bombing civilian areas and allow access for full humanitarian aid to flow freely into Gaza.


Every human child of God—Palestinian and Israeli—deserves safety and security. We need to stop the killing. Today.  


Vengeance will not bring back the dead. Retaliation will not repair the harms and the hurt. We are called to love, even and especially when it seems impossible.  


We must stop the next 10,000 from being killed. As Episcopalians, we must call upon our leaders—President Biden, members of Congress, and others—to be unequivocal that we need to stop the killing. Today. This is clearly what love demands of us."


Vicar Jennifer


  • Patsy Ching for cleaning the church and providing flowers this week. Flowers are dedicated in loving memory of her son Rockne (Pake) Ching.
  • Laura LaGassa for serving as lay reader last Sunday.
  • St. Augustine's members who pray for others each week.
  • The many members of St. Augustine's and the community who help sort donations and operate the Thrift Shop.



Please pray for healing, guidance, strength, peace of mind, and comfort for: Tom Leonard, Michelle, Georgia, Jeannie Marcom, Contrada Garcia, Wendell Mattos Jr., Janine Mattos, Linda Leonard Powell, David Peter Franco, Erin Manuel, George Webb Jr., all the people of Maui, Church of the Holy Innocents in Maui and Vicar Bruce & Sylvia DeGooyer, Arcadio & Filomena Badua, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Lisa Andrews, Guy Kaoo, Koa Paulo, Tula Brickel, Becky & Ludwig Simmet, Reni Aʻi aʻi Bello, Kaikoa-Aina Brown, Karen Miller, Marlene & Harry Ching, Annecita Tamayo, Benny Raymond, Lynn Dicus, Juana Mejia, and Jerry Kremkow.


Volunteer to be part of St. Augustine's prayer chain! Contact Patsy Ching or Vicar Jennifer if you would like to:

  • Pray for those who have requested prayers
  • Be part of the phone tree that helps us know about prayer requests or emergencies


If you or someone you know would like to be added to our prayer list, please email Patsy Ching or Vicar Jennifer. You can request prayers for yourself, your 'ohana, or anyone in our community or beyond. 

During our Sunday services, you can write prayer requests on a piece of paper. Prayers will be read aloud or silently (per your request) during the Prayers of the People.


You can also send us prayer requests through our online form.

Mahalo for your care and prayers!


SUNDAY SCHOOL - For children ages 3-10, every Sunday morning at 9:00 am with Youth Director Kathy Matsuda with Michelle White, Kathy Webb and Lucas Masada Corey.

FELLOWSHIP HOUR - Every Sunday after our 9:00 am service. We gather to enjoy conversation, coffee, and treats in Walker Hall. Please bring some savory or sweet treats to share if you like! Mahalo to all who have been providing delicious food and to Jeannette Hensel for bringing coffee.

TEEN GATHERINGS - Stay tuned for the next event coming soon!

BIBLE STUDY - Join us for Bible Study on Friday November 17th at 2:00 pm in Walker Hall. We'll discuss the following readings: Zephaniah 1:7,12-18, Psalm 90:1-8, (9-11), 12, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11,

Matthew 25:14-30

CHOIR - New time! Join us Wednesday, November 15th at 5:00 pm to sing through the hymns for the following Sunday. All are welcome! 



  • Sunday, December 3 - Music at St. Augustine's - Presenting Frank Palani Cipriani. Affectionately known as "Uncle Frank" in Kohala, he has long championed youth and mentored many local keiki in gold smithing, hydroponics, and music. Join us for a joyful half hour of music followed by a potluck!



Time for our annual Poinsettia sale! Poinsettias will be available for pick up on Saturday December 9th. Tickets will be available starting next week. See Cindy Sakai for tickets. Poinsettias will be $12 each.


St. Augustine's hosted a guest speaker last Sunday. David Gappell spoke about his personal experience and views on the Palestine - Israel conflict. Many from the community joined members of St. Augustine's to listen.

Such forums are an important part of listening with compassion and learning about others' views. While others may hold views with which Gappell would disagree, he held space for those views while explaining his own perspective.

As part of our commitment to embrace reconciliation, I encourage you to read from a variety of sources about the Palestine - Israel war to learn about the complexity, the various versions of the history of the conflict, and the underlying views. Every perspective contains bias, so by reading many views, we are able to see a more full picture.

Some resources that cover perspectives we might not see in the US mainstream news:

If you learn of a resource to share, please forward it to me!


Vicar Jennifer

If you have information to share, please let us know! This is a space to help us stay in touch in a variety of ways, such as news, offers of assistance, or garden bounty (fruits, veggies) you would like to share. Please email Vicar Jennifer or Kathy Webb: VicarJennifer@staugustineskohala.com or admin@staugustineskohala.com Submissions due by Thursday morning for Friday's newsletter.


This week's Creation Care tip comes from the Episcopal Church Foundation. The full article can be found here with a link to many great resources on how to connect keiki with the 'aina. Here are some excerpts:

"“If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in.” - Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder

Children make important connections with nature through their senses and through their natural tendencies for close observation. A pot in a window sill or a nighttime sky is equally good as a source for curiosity, mystery, and natural opportunities to wonder together about the meaning of living and dying. Children have natural empathies for small animals and plants. Here is the basis to help them cultivate respect for all life. With companioning adult teachers, from an early age children can learn the care of creation and a reverence for life in all its diversity.

Some simple ways young people can care for creation at home and church:

  • Planting trees and flowers on your church property or in a park nearby. Commit to continue to provide care for such plantings by regularly watering and tending them.
  • Use poetry and images to create appreciation and wonder for God’s creation by creating murals and posters for the church. The Psalms (such as 104, 148, 150) are full of images of God’s creation as are hymns (such as 8, 148, 412, 580 in The Hymnal 1982).
  • Learning how to be a steward of the resources that we have, including taking care of pets and our relationships with one another.

The real key is to talk often with our children about the beauty of the earth, the importance of protecting it, and the promises we make in our Baptismal Covenant. As adults in a faith community, we have a powerful influence in helping our children and youth understand the direct impact they can have in creating a healthier, cleaner environment for the future — starting today."



The Thrift Shop is open Wednesdays from noon - 6:00 pm and also on the first Saturday of the month from 8:00 am - 11:00 am.


St. Augustine's is grateful to the community for the many items generously donated to our Thrift Shop! We accept donations when the Thrift Store is staffed by our volunteers.

Please bring your items during these times:

Wednesdays 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Thursdays 8:00 am - 11:00 am



  • Listen to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's podcasts on "The Way of Love."



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