This electronic communication is a resource providing businesses and interested parties with relevant information about funding sources, events, resources, and other local municipal information.

Funding Opportunities

Tourism Growth Program 

(TGP) provides $108 million over 3 years (2023-2024 – 2025-2026) to support communities, small- and medium-sized businesses, and not-for-profit organizations in developing local tourism products and experiences.

Projects should add value to existing tourism industry activities and focus on business and economic growth. *Note: If you have already received funding under the Tourism Growth Program, you will not be eligible for additional project funding.

Eligible Types of Projects:

  • support the Indigenous tourism industry
  • increase tourism benefits for communities by driving visitation from urban areas to rural areas
  • support economic, environmental and cultural sustainability
  • support active outdoor experiences
  • extend the tourism season
  • complement support provided through provincial programs

Who is Eligible to Apply:

  • incorporated small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the tourism industry
  • Indigenous-owned businesses (including Indigenous sole proprietors) or Indigenous tourism organizations
  • not-for-profit organizations (including tourism associations and economic development organizations)
  • governments (municipal/provincial/territorial and related entities)

Application Deadline: September 17, 2024

Virtual Information Sessions about the Tourism Growth August 21: Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams

Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) Program

The Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) Program is a national merit-based program with the objective of improving the availability and condition of community buildings in Canadian communities experiencing higher needs and who are currently underserved. The third intake is now open and accepting applications as follows:

Small and Medium Retrofits

Eligible applicants with small and medium-sized projects to retrofit existing community buildings ranging in total eligible cost from $100,000 to $2,999,999 can apply.

Large Retrofits and New Builds

Eligible applicants with large projects to retrofit existing community buildings or projects to build new community buildings with total eligible costs ranging from $3 million to $25 million can apply.

Information webinars are scheduled for August 28 and September 18. To register for a webinar, email your request to  

Application Deadline: October 16th, 2024.

Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada - Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program

Francophone Wage Subsidy Fund

A 50% wage subsidy to Renfrew County employers as an incentive for employers to hire francophone individuals for full-time positions. Financing / Funding - RCCFDC — Renfrew Country Community Futures Development Corp

Skills Development Fund Training Stream 

The Skills Development Fund (SDF) Training Stream offers funding to organizations for innovative projects that address challenges to hiring, training, or retaining workers and apprentices, including support for:

• projects that address the labour shortage and stimulate growth in key

sectors of Ontario's economy;

• projects that will increase Ontario's long-term economic competitive

advantage by creating a sustainable and resilient workforce;

• projects that help people with prior involvement in the criminal justice

system, racialized persons and Indigenous peoples, those with disabilities,

and others facing barriers to employment.

Application Deadline: October 4th, 2024

Skills Development Fund Training Stream |

Eastern Ontario Development Fund

The Eastern Ontario Development Fund provides support for projects and investments to existing businesses, municipalities and not-for-profit organizations for economic development in eastern Ontario. The objective of the program is to provide financial support and services to help growing companies in eastern Ontario make investments to:

  • grow their businesses
  • improve productivity
  • invest in innovation and skills development
  • pursue new markets
  • generate broad positive regional economic impact
  • create new good, sustainable jobs

A project is a distinct undertaking, separate from ongoing operations, that will result in benefits to the organization such as business growth or access to new markets. Application Intake: Now open Eastern Ontario Development Fund |

Petawawa Ramble Kick Off Date Set for August 29th

Join us as we launch the 2024 edition of the Petawawa Ramble. This event is a meet and greet and network with fellow business owners opportunity. Please join us at the Comfort Station at 8:30 am on August 29th. Continental breakfast refreshments will be provided followed by a small presentation.

This year, there is an online interactive business map where you can register to have your business or location highlighted as a Pumpkin Folk display location. Complete your registration today and join with fellow businesses in this autumn celebration.

View the interactive Ramble business map

"Get On Board" at Petawawa's Comfort Station

New Commemorative Boardwalk Program Launches

The Town of Petawawa has launched a Commemorative Boardwalk Program that provides opportunities for families, friends, businesses and organizations to purchase a plaque that will be affixed to the deck boards on the boardwalk surrounding the Comfort Station.

The Comfort Station was built in recognition of the Town’s 25th Anniversary as a legacy project to service the residents and visitors of the community. The Comfort Station provides a natural rest stop along the Algonquin Trail and is located within the heart of Petawawa. The design of the Comfort Station is a modern take on the traditional railway stations that once dotted the region and provided vital transportation arteries. Rail stations often featured a boardwalk affixed to the building. This boardwalk provides an ideal opportunity for families and friends of Petawawa to become part of the story of this project through the purchase of a board with plaque on the boardwalk.  

To participate in the program, please review the Commemorative Boardwalk program guidelines and complete the Request Form, which are both available online at Town staff will then communicate with interested parties and order the plaque with the appropriate inscription based on four predetermined templates. The cost of a board with plaque is $200 + HST. Space to participate is limited to the number of boards within the boardwalk. 

Purchase a Boardwalk Tile

Youth Entrepreneur Market Returns August 16, 2024

Support Local Youth Entrepreneurs

The Petawawa Youth Market is set for Friday, August 16th from 12PM to 4PM at the Petawawa Container Market location, 16 Civic Centre. This year there is 11 youth vendors, live music and two food trucks on site. There's no cost to attend the market and everyone is encouraged to support local youth entrepreneurs who will be selling their goods. The regular market hours are 3PM to 8PM on Friday.

CNL/ONCI Industry Day

DATE: September 5, 2024

TIME: 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

LOCATION: 286 Plant Rd, Chalk River, ON

CNL, in collaboration with the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) invite you to the annual Industry Day at the Chalk River Laboratories. Connect your Renfrew County or MRC Pontiac business with members of Canada’s nuclear industry supply chain. Learn more about the program of work underway at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories and the opportunities it could create. The Industry Day includes a trade show, luncheon, networking, and a full schedule of presentations and updates on CNL’s future plans and opportunities for the supply chain. CNL has made available a select number of booths at no charge for local businesses from Renfrew County, MRC Pontiac and local indigenous communities.

Register Here

OV Boss Babes Features Petawawa Business Owner

Valerie Hyska, owner of Your Independent Grocer, talks about the industry and local landscape

Val talks about her journey into the grocery store industry, openly addresses public backlash she receives regarding grocery store prices and shares her insights on the new grocery store that just opened across from Hyska's Your Independent Grocer.

Listen on Spotify Here

Dairy Queen Petawawa Celebrates Miracle Treat Day &

10-Year Anniversary

On August 8th, 2024, Dairy Queen in Petawawa celebrated Miracle Treat Day in support of local children's hospitals.

The Petawawa location is also celebrating 10 years in 2024. As part of the occasion, Deputy Mayor Theresa presented a certificate to the management team to recognize the business milestone.

Bucket List Moment at Airborne Petawawa

Proving that age is just a number, 83-year-old Jim crossed skydiving off of his bucket list with a visit to Airborne Petawawa. The picture was captured 12,500 feet above the Ottawa Valley. During the Water & Dirt Festival, Airborne Petawawa has some special promotions. Use the discount code WaterDirtAir for a reduced price on your next visit!

Book a Jump at Airborne Petawawa

New Military Family Resource Centre Breaks Ground

Project Will Sustain Approximately 130 Jobs During Construction

On July 22, 2024, a groundbreaking ceremony took place on the North Side of Garrison Petawawa to start the construction of a new facility. The $42 million facility will consolidate the Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services Personnel Support Programs and Military Family Resource Centre from seven separate locations into a single facility for family support and wellness on the base. This project will sustain approximately 130 jobs during the construction phase and is expected to be completed in Fall 2026.

*photo credit: PMFRC Instagram page

Town of Petawawa
Petawawa Business Advisory Network
1111 Victoria St. Petawawa, Ontario
Phone 1-613-687-5536

Petawawa Businesses be sure to use Shop Petawawa to drive additional sales to your businesses' shopping and social platforms. Need help using this FREE resource? Want to advertise your business event or celebration? Contact Christine 

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