Contemporary Scripture Reflections for Spiritual Seekers

Dr. Elizabeth-Anne Stewart, BCC, PCC


Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 9th, 2023

Poem from Woman Dreamer, 1989


She stood there,

eyes fixed to the ground,

back contorted

like a question mark,

limbs twisted

from the effort

of making do

with inadequacy.

She stood there,

close to the earth,

warped and kinked

beneath ragged homespun,

humped by the weight of years,

by the scorn

of upright men

who knew sin

when they saw it--

hers, her mother's

and generations of offenses

too vile to name.

She stood there

in that holy place,

unclean and poor,

barely hearing

the jibes and jeers

of the righteous

as she waited

for chance

to save her

from the blistering burden

and the heavy heart,

from the crooked trudge

over rough terrain.

She stood there, invisible,

listening for that Word

which would straighten,

unbind, disentangle,

for that creative Word

to lift her eyes

to the stars

and set her dreaming...



From VUCA to BANI: Strategies for Navigating a Changing World

Infinity Foundation

August 9th, 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Zoom. Details TBA.

Lazarus and the Rich Man: Archetypes of Agony and Entitlement

Parliament of the World's Religions

Chicago, August 17, 2023; 4:00 p.

McCormick Place, Hall E Room 7

Transformational Coaching

The Ministry Coaching Foundation

A 40-hour, 4-module virtual course designed to enhance the inner guidance skills of credentialed coaches, ministers, and community leaders. You may sign up for one module or all four. Classes will meet via Zoom on consecutive Tuesdays, from 7:00-9:15 p.m. January 9th, 2024 - May 13th, 2024

+ + +


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That sanity will prevail

and that all those suffering

on account of the war

in Ukraine

will find the comfort

and resources they need.

Thank you for SHARING SBT!

Greetings, SBT Readers:

Each week, I include the same prayer for peace in Ukraine, asking that all those suffering on account of this war will find the "comfort and resources" they need. The prayer is inclusive of everyone affected by the conflict -- Ukrainians and Russians and, of course, their loved ones. What needs to be added to this prayer is the request that all concerned will abide by international standards of decency, especially in their choice of weapons and treatment of prisoners of war or civilians. Sadly, despite the objections of human rights groups, the United States is sending cluster bombs to Ukraine. These munitions drop dozens of bomblets which threaten both civilians and combatants; moreover, when the bombs or their contents fail to explode, they create the equivalent of a mine field, causing injury or death to anyone who finds them.

Aiding a country whose very survival depends upon outside resources can take many necessary and acceptable forms; however, supplying weapons banned under the United Nations' Convention on Cluster Munitions is indefensible. Apparently 125 countries have agreed to this prohibition, but, to their shame, the United States, Ukraine and Russia have not.

Just something to pray about...

Many Blessings!



Link to the Sunday Readings

"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,

and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,

for I am meek and humble of heart;

and you will find rest for yourselves.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden light."

Mt 11:25-30

We are living in an era when there is a thin line between "work time" and "personal time," between labor and leisure. For many, the wonders of the digital age have resulted in greater workloads and more pressure to deliver. Paradoxically, for white-collar workers, time-saving innovations such as the internet, email, texting, social media, learning platforms, etc. have increased employers' expectations as to what is "reasonable" in terms of productivity; moreover, even if employees are working remotely, they can expect to be "on call" or available at all hours. The demands of work intrude into self-care, family life and social activities. Clients and would-be clients expect instantaneous responses and even a lapse of 24 hours before returning a text or email can result in loss of business. The pressure is constantly on, with many workers facing retribution if they take leave on account of ill-health or family emergencies.

Sadly, the more technologically advanced we have become, the greater the possibility for exploitation and inhumane standards. Of course, the dawn of the industrial age set the precedent here, with factory workers being reduced to little more than cogs in a machine. Legislation supposedly protects laborers in developed countries but there are frequent violations, especially where children and undocumented workers are concerned; in countries where there are no legal protections the conditions for workers can be horrific, creating situations of "slave labor."

But "labor" is not limited to the demands of a career or job. There are those burdened by home-making, parenting, elder-care, volunteer work, community responsibilities, and any other activity that consumes time and energy or causes anxiety. Whether one is tethered to a computer for 14 hours a day, or serves as the primary caregiver for a friend or relative who is bedridden, if there is no relief, the results can be the same-- exhaustion, depression, self-neglect...

The historical Jesus knew nothing about the the factory system, the digital age and the emerging technologies that will, for better or worse, no doubt have an impact on the world of work. He did, however, understand that life can be burdensome and that, without intervention, heavy obligations can destroy body, mind and spirit. As a Jew, he also understood the value of observing Shabbat, that day of rest which guarantees time for God, self and others. Not only does Shabbat mandate leisure, but it prohibits work of any kind so that the focus can be entirely on what really matters; it is a time of restoration, reflection, and enjoyment. At the end of Shabbat, there is a closing ritual-- the Havdalah-- which symbolically marks the "separation" between the holy day and the new week: as part of this ritual, those present pass around a box of sweet-smelling spices; in this way, the fragrance or memory of Shabbat will linger with them during the days ahead.

Jesus invites us to rest in him. He is our endless Shabbat, the fragrance that makes life not only tolerable but exquisitely pleasurable. Through his presence we have companionship, so needed when our burdens become intolerable. In his company, burdens seem lighter -- perhaps because we have an attitude shift that reduces our anxiety, makes us more resilient, or even helps us see the blessings inherent in our situation; or perhaps because we gain insight regarding possible "shortcuts" or labor saving strategies; or perhaps, simply because we know he is with us, wanting each of us to experience fullness of life, and grieving when he sees us crushed by our burdens, whatever they may be...


* What burdens do you carry on a regular basis and how do they affect your quality of life?

* What does it mean to "rest" in Jesus and what has been your experience of this?

* How might you jettison some of your burdens in life, or, if this is impossible, what steps can you take to make these burdens less oppressive?



This video explains my approach to this ministry, while my website provides further details as well. Most sessions are on Zoom; I am also available to facilitate in-person or "virtual" retreats for groups and individuals.

Spiritual Direction

Dr. Elizabeth-Anne Stewart | | [email protected]

C. All Photos by Elizabeth-Anne Stewart,

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