Good afternoon,
The new Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning project is getting underway this fall. Since you have expressed an interest in the Sunrise Corridor in the past, we want to let you know about a great opportunity to learn more about this effort to build a successful, long-term vision for the project area.
- Check the project website for background and information about upcoming activities and opportunities to participate.
- There will be a presentation about the project at today’s online meeting of the Clackamas County Coordinating Committee (C4) at about 7 p.m., and a recording of that presentation will be available beginning next week. Go to the C4 meeting webpage to catch the presentation this evening or to watch the recording later.
The new Sunrise project will involve all members of the community – residents, businesses, employees, travelers – in developing a long-term vision for a thriving, inclusive future that builds on past studies and expands to include health, equity and land use.
The project is led by Clackamas County, in cooperation with the City of Happy Valley, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Metro.
Please pass on this information to others you know who may be interested in the future of the Sunrise Corridor Community. Thank you.
Jamie Stasny, Project Manager
Ellen Rogalin, Community Relations