Weekly eNews
December 8, 2023
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This Weekend at St. Michael's | |
Christmas Light Festival
Today (Friday) & Saturday!
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Our highly anticipated 4th annual Christmas Light Festival kicks off today! Over 100,000 lights are in place, with new displays and experiences ready for all! We need your help to spread the word and to volunteer during one of the festival evenings (December 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, or 23 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM). You'll be so glad you did!
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Journey to Bethlehem
Second Sunday in Advent
This Sunday, Dec. 10, 9:15 AM
"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all." 2 Thessalonians 3:16
This Sunday we light the second candle in our Advent wreath representing PEACE. Join for a Sense-ational Journey to Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph using all five of your senses. Come see, taste, smell, touch, and hear something new as we prepare to welcome the Prince of Peace. All are welcome for this intergenerational event.
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Christmas Pageant
December 17, 10:30 AM
Rehearsals Continue Sunday!
Calling all children of the parish! Rehearsals for the Christmas pageant continue THIS Sunday from 12:00 - 2:00 PM. Come drop in even if you missed last week. Rehearsals will include lunch and interactive crafts and activities, adding to the true Christmas experience!
Remaining Pageant Rehearsal Schedule:
Rehearsal #2 – Sunday, December 10, 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Dress Rehearsal – Saturday, December 16, 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Pageant Day – Arrive at 9:00 AM, Pageant during 10:30 Service
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Additional Events:
- Young Adult Theology on Tap
Friday, Dec. 8, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Young adults are invited to join at Goat Patch Brewing with others from the area for fellowship and conversation around "process theology" led by Mason Mennenga from United Theological Seminary. No RSVP needed.
- Habitat Apostle Build Home Dedication
Saturday, Dec. 9, 10:30 AM
All are invited to attend a home dedication ceremony on Saturday, December 9 at 10:30 AM at 5303 Beauport Drive in the Ridge at Sand Creek neighborhood. Attendees will hear from the homeowners, pray for them, and listen to the USAF Academy Gospel Choir perform as well as enjoy snacks and a tour the completed home.
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, December 10
Second Sunday of Advent
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour?
Click above to sign up today & thank you!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist with Choir & Handbell Choir
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM Sense-ational Journey to Bethlehem
This event will take place in the Parish Hall and will not be livestreamed. The next livestreamed Sunday Forum will be Jan. 7.
12:00 PM - Pageant Rehearsal
5:00 PM - Lord's Dinner
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Nursery Care Available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 12:00 PM.
Join for Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall after each service.
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
Christmas Brass & Poinsettias
Donations Due Dec. 13
There's less than a week left to donate toward poinsettias and brass for our Christmas services. If you haven't already done so, please consider making a donation in thanksgiving for or in memory of a loved one by next Wednesday.
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Blue Christmas Service
Thursday, Dec. 14, 7:00 PM
Christmas can be a difficult season for many. If you are feeling loss or hurt, or are estranged from the general feelings of joy and happiness during this time of year, you are invited to join us in-person or online for our Blue Christmas Service with music and Holy Eucharist.
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Interfaith Habitat Build
Saturday, Dec. 16
More Volunteers Needed!
There is still one morning spot and several afternoon spots available for next Saturday's Interfaith Build. St. Mike's volunteers will be paired with a team from a different belief tradition to work and enjoy time together. To learn more about this event and the future homeowner or to sign up, click below. Lunch will be provided!
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Newcomer Class
Sunday, Dec. 17, 9:15 AM
The topic of this month's Newcomer Class is "Get Connected and Involved." This couldn't be a better time to learn more about the ministries at St. Mike's and how you might get more involved next year. All are welcome and no RSVP is required. Contact Linda Kean at linda@stmikeschurch.com with any questions.
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Shine Bright Concert
Friday, Dec. 23, 6:30 PM
This solo holiday show by world-class pianist and vocalist, J. Chang-Tablada, features heart-warming holiday classics with a twist of spice that invites audiences to reminisce, hold loved ones close, and sing along. A storyteller at heart, J. draws audience members in with fresh interpretations of timeless classics by celebrated artists like Nat King Cole, Ella Fitzgerald and Donnie Hathaway interwoven with spirited, tongue-in-cheek numbers from Elvis and Jimmy Buffet (to name a few). All are invited to the Multipurpose Room to enjoy this free holiday treat!
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Christmas Eve Services
Sunday, December 24
4:00 PM: Family Service, Brass & Nursery
7:00 PM: Traditional Service, Choir & Brass*
11:00 PM: Midnight Service, Trio & Incense*
Christmas Service
Monday, December 25
10:00 AM: Holy Eucharist*
*Livestreamed via Facebook & YouTube
End of Year Giving
To make an end of year gift, please submit all online contributions by December 28 to ensure delivery by December 31. If writing a check, please include “2023 Pledge” in the memo line and be sure it is dated in 2023. All checks must be received by Sunday, January 7. Stock gifts take time to process, so if you plan to fulfill your pledge this way, please initiate your stock gift no later than December 14. If you have questions about your pledge balance or giving history, please contact our Finance Manager, Jan McLaughlin, at treasurer@stmikeschurch.com or 719-598-3244 x105. Every gift is essential to our ministry and is greatly appreciated!
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Spam Alert!
Scammers at it again!
Unfortunately, 'tis the season for scammers to really get to work. As a reminder, the clergy and staff will never contact you "asking for a favor" that involves sending gift cards, wiring money, or transferring funds from one account to another. Spammers will create email addresses that look like they are coming from the church. Only email addresses that end in @stmikeschurch.com are from the clergy or staff. When in doubt, contact the church office at 719-598-3244.
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Nursery Volunteers Needed
During 10:30 AM Services
Are you missing your grandchildren or days gone by when your children were younger, or are you a teen needing service hours? We have an opportunity for you! Due to the wonderful growth in young families attending St. Mike's, we are needing additional help in the nursery with our children 5 and under during the 10:30 services. You don't need to make a long-term commitment...simply sign up for a Sunday here and there as your schedule permits.
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January - February Archangel
Article Deadline, December 15
The deadline for our January - February Archangel is coming up next Friday, December 15. Please send any submissions to comm@stmikeschurch.com.
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Church Calendar Access
Did you know that the full church calendar is accessible via the St. Mike's website under the "Resources" tab on the homepage? As the daily activity has increased at St. Mike's and therefore the space required to detail it in the eNews, we are inclined to simply provide a link to the calendar each Friday versus the full calendar detail. Please email Communications Coordinator, Ama Couch, at comm@stmikeschurch.com with any feedback on this change. You can find the link below but also in the above shaded "On the Calendar" section.
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Birthdays This Week:
December 10 - Isaac DeJoia
December 10 - B.J. Graham
December 10 - David Newberry
December 11 - Aria Quinn Bélanger
December 11 - Keith Ketelsen
December 11 - Beverly Raider
December 12 - Sharon Dak
December 12 - Ky Goodman
December 12 - Karen Houser
December 12 - Marna McLain
December 12 - Janice Thorpe
December 13 - Sonja Anderson
December 13 - Sue Bessette
December 13 - Kate Davenport
December 13 - Ruth Willey Cohenour
December 14 - John Paul
December 15 - Nathan Broin
December 16 - Candy Chernak
December 16 - Dee Gallagher
December 16 - Melissa Gaubatz
December 16 - Heather Torrey
Anniversaries This Week:
None per our records
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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