Please join us on Saturday, December 2, in the Plymouth Hometown Holiday Celebration parade. Wear fun seasonal outfits with lots of twinkly lights and warm clothing. Walkers only, please.

Line up is at 4 pm on Green Street. The parade starts at 5pm.


Honorable Phil Preston, 12/4/38 – 11/16/23

I’m writing to report the sad news of the passing of former New Hampshire House member Phil Preston on November 16, 2023. Phil represented Grafton House District 8 from 2006-2010.  

A longtime resident of Ashland, New Hampshire, Phil was a passionate advocate for the protection of New Hampshire’s beauty and natural resources, and was actively involved in a number of conservation groups, including Lakes Region Conservation Trust, Squam Lakes Association and others. Phil was a committed and dedicated House member, and represented his Grafton 8 constituents with compassion, modesty, and humility. He was always ready with a quick smile and a kind word, and was well-respected by his constituents and his colleagues in the House and Senate. Phil was predeceased by his late wife, Margaret “Peg” Dobbie, a well-known advocate for reproductive freedom, and a former executive director of New Hampshire NARAL.Phil was a long-time member of Plymouth Area Democrats, and a valued friend to many of us in Grafton County and New Hampshire. Phil will be sorely missed.

—Deb Reynolds

Please note: This announcement does not represent an endorsement by the Plymouth Area Democrats. It is included for informational purposes only.

Please join 

Former State Senator Deb Reynolds and Mike Conklin

and Katie and Viking Hedberg for a Reception in support of 

Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington 

Democratic Candidate for Governor 

Cinde has taken on extremists on the Executive Council to fight for everything from reproductive freedom to affordable housing. Now she’s running for governor so that everyone in New Hampshire has the freedom to thrive. 

Monday, December 11 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm 

The Common Man Inn 231 Main Street Plymouth, NH 

Suggested contribution levels: Supporter $100 / Ally $250 / Friend $500 Patron $1,000 / Sponsor $2,500 / Champion $5,000

Contributions are appreciated, but not required 

RSVP to Tristan Chapman at (917) 900-2177 or or RSVP online at: 


DONATE TODAY to Plymouth Area Democrats' Act Blue account. Or send a check to the post office address below. Consider a monthly donation of any amount comfortable for you. We will need to rent an office next year, and with rents going ever higher, it will be an extensive expense. In addition, we will be helping each of our candidates with campaign expenses. Thank you for your generosity.

Plymouth Area Democrats

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