Dear Covenant Family,
On Sunday we had the joy of dedicating several prayer shawls to the Seidman Cancer Center across the street at University Hospitals. The effort came about through the request of a Presbyterian Chaplain, Rev. Matt Bauhof, who interacts with patients in need of such comfort. Covenant knitters created the shawls and wrapped them up in ribbons and prayers. When I took them over, Rev. Bauhof showed me the meditation room and the “Code Lavender” cart the chaplains use to care for the staff. He was delighted to receive the shawls and will put them to good use for those who could use some spiritual warmth.
There are so many ways we can bless our neighbors where we live and where we worship. Forming authentic community is an integral part of our calling as Christians. Our faith is built through relationships with God and with one another. In his book Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer states, “the physical presence of other Christians is a source of incomparable joy and strength to the believer…Visitor and visited in loneliness recognize in each other the Christ who is present in the body; they receive and meet each other as one meets the Lord, in reverence, humility and joy. They receive each other’s benedictions as the benediction of the Lord Jesus Christ. But if there is so much blessing and joy even in a single encounter of brother with brother, how inexhaustible are the riches that open up for those who by God’s will are privileged to live in the daily fellowship of life with other Christians!” (p.20)
In what way(s) have you personally experienced Christ’s presence in and through the community of believers? Here are some things that come to mind for me:
• Honest conversation about what matters.
• Humility in service to others.
• Forgiveness.
• The joy and laughter of children.
• Meals shared and sorrows lifted.
• Reverence in worship when God’s holiness shines through.
• Cake crumbs and prayer shawls and community meals.
• Worship songs in Swahili.
Thank you for all that you do to show the warmth and love of Jesus Christ.