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Update on Canvas User Accounts & Course Access (Enrollments)

On Monday, August 5th, all Canvas user accounts and Fall 2024 enrollments (access to courses) were restored which were deactivated on 8/3 due to a Banner to Canvas sync failure. However, to restore course access (enrollments) associated with past terms and manual interventions such as non-academic courses, special access, Incomplete grades, and others, a special process is being developed. 

Online@JSU recognizes the importance of restoring course access (enrollments) associated with these other courses and is diligently working towards that objective. No course content was affected by this issue and no courses were deleted, so there is no need to rebuild content in those courses at this point. Once restoration of course access (enrollments) is completed, users will have access to all course content, student submissions, grades, etc. as before, based on course role. 

Balancing accuracy with expediency is priority number one, so please know we are working as swiftly as we can while still sustaining the best practices in data management. 

Your patience and cooperation are greatly appreciated.

For your reference, below is the original notice form Monday, August 5, 2024:

"On Saturday, August 3rd, around 8:30 a.m. (CDST), an issue occurred in the Banner to Canvas sync process which resulted in a large number of Canvas user accounts being deactivated. 

Online@JSU and IT were able to collaborate on a solution which restored all user accounts in the latter morning hours of Monday, August 5th. However, restoration of Canvas course enrollments (students and teachers) is ongoing. Having begun restoration of Fall 2024 enrollments, we are hopeful those will all be restored by late afternoon August 5th. 

Enrollments for past terms will take longer and that timeline is yet to be determined. Please be assured that all course content remains intact. Student submissions, grades, etc. also remain intact.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work diligently to recover from this unexpected and unusual issue."

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