From Your Session
The Westminster Session met for their monthly stated meeting on Wednesday, October 18, 2023.
They received a report on GEM (Gifts, Endowments, Memorials) from Bill Foster and voted to approve the revised and amended policy statement and accept the annual GEM report and the recommendation for a $30,000 distribution to support the 2024 budget.
The elders discussed the first chapter of the book The Agile Church by Dwight J. Zscheile. The first chapter is entitled “Agility and Innovation.” How can we plan for the future of the church in a society that has rejected Christianity? Can we lead by learning, vulnerability and creativity? This is an excellent read for everyone who wants to join in the conversation.
Sandy McLean, Clerk of Session
Invite your friends and neighbors to Trunk or Treat Wednesday, October 25, at 6 pm--flyer here. Treat donations are still welcome through October 25 as well--give to Vik or drop off in main office.
It's that time again for everyone young and not so young to get out their bowling balls and shoes. Come to the All-Westminster Bowling Party on Saturday, November 11, at 1 pm at AMF Firebird Lanes (4303 Center St NE). RSVP to Michele by October 29 at 408-402-2396.
Last May many of you donated fabric to make pillowcases for Doernbecher in honor of Olivia, a five-year-old friend who is battling Leukemia. Over the summer Olivia had a set back, so please keep her in your prayers. She is better as of this writing. During each treatment a child is allowed to choose a pillowcase to use. This small task brings them happiness. This Sunday, October 22, fabric and instructions will be available for anyone who wants to make pillowcases at home. Or next Sunday, October 29, sewing machines will be set up for use before and after the service if you would like to make a pillowcase at the church (with help available!). It only takes about seven minutes to complete this task and make a child happy!
As part of Pastor Kelly's sermon series on mental health, David Freed, PhD, clinical psychologist, will be here after worship on October 29 to talk about ways to recognize and manage the symptoms of depression. All are welcome to join for the hour starting at 11:30 in Russell Hall.
All Saints Day remembrance is nearly upon us. On November 5, 2023 we will honor those among us who have passed away in the past year as well as light candles for those we have lost at any time. Please submit the name of your loved one (and/or a picture) to the office ( by November 2, 2023.
We need nursery volunteers who can help welcome our youngest children and provide care during Sunday morning worship services. We would like a team of ten to twelve people who can rotate in this important role. We’re planning to hire a person who would be the primary caregiver, and this volunteer team would support that person. Please send your name to Lucy Foster, chair of the Worship Committee, at or 503-508-3417.
Save the Date
October 29: Depression Discussion with Dr. David Freed (11:30 am)
November 4: Chancel Choir Retreat
November 12: Stewardship Hoedown Luncheon (11:30 am)
November 19: Open Debrief with Elders: Budget & Scouts (11:30 am)
November 22: Mainline Thanksgiving Service with Pick-Up Choir (6 pm)
In the Community
Help save a life! First Pres Salem in partnership with ARCHES needs volunteers to help open their building as a warming shelter on the coldest nights of the year. Their building can host 80-90 people, but they need help. Shifts are four hours at a time overnight. To sign up or learn more, email
Join The Cascades Presbytery Committee On Representation's discussion with author Sarah Augustine via Zoom on Saturday, October 28, 9:30am-11:30am. The discussion will focus on her prophetic and highly-recommended book, The Land is Not Empty, which unpacks the harms of the Doctrine of Discovery. More info and registration here.