Dear Friends in Christ,
I’m honored to accept Bishop Loya’s appointment as your interim Dean, and grateful for the thoughtful work of the Interim Committee, whose membership consisted of Paul Lakeman, Andrew Moratzka, Mary Ramsbottom, and Senior Warden Brian Childs. I’m a Louisiana native, and I discerned my call to ordination in Chicago. As a 2001 graduate of Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, a merger of 19th century seminaries in Minnesota and Illinois, I was steeped in the tradition of the Seabury Divinity School in Faribault, and Minnesota names like James Lloyd Breck, Enmegahbowh, Jeannette Picard, and Alla Bozarth-Campbell. I have a reverence for this diocese and its ministry to Minnesota and the larger Church, and for the important ministry of cathedrals as heralds of God’s mercy and justice. I’ve had the privilege of knowing and working with Bishops Anderson, Jelinek, Prior, and Loya.
During a 2018 sabbatical, I heard a call to spend the remainder my active ministry in transition ministry as a trained and intentional Interim Rector. Among the outstanding colleagues who’ve shaped that aspect of my ministry is the Rev. George Martin of Minnesota, author of Paul Found in His Letters (2022). George was my interim predecessor at St. Margaret’s in Palm Desert, California, and a teacher and mentor who’s helped me lead congregations through transition in the face of massive change.
My immediate priority is to know you. I want to hear and learn the stories of people who have called the Cathedral home for decades, and the aspirations of those who have found their connection to the Body of Christ in your generous hospitality and welcome. You are served by an outstanding Cathedral Council and staff, and led by a visionary and thoughtful bishop and diocesan staff who care deeply about you and your mission.
Sunday, November 5 is All Saints’ Sunday, and my first day with you. We’ll be baptizing the newest of the great cloud of witnesses who lend their unflagging support for the work of St. Mark’s and all who believe in the power of God’s Good News to transform lives. I can’t wait. Transition is terrifying and exhilarating, and Jesus is with us throughout. We can’t miss. See you in November!
Faithfully yours,