October 2023 Newsletter

FALL Into Data.

Crisp Insights.

Postpartum depression, a form of depression experienced after childbirth, could have lasting impacts on mothers’ and their children’s overall health.

This article accompanies the newly released PRAMS Points Dashboard regarding postpartum depression in women who recently gave birth in North Dakota. The dashboard uses North Dakota PRAMS data gathered from 2017 through 2021 to examine the prevalence of postpartum depression and the associated maternal characteristics and risk factors associated with developing the condition.

Read more.

Harvesting Data Nuggets.

Health insurance is the best way to ensure access to health care, it protects against financial hardship, supports preventive care, and provides a safety net if any medical issues may arise.

For reporting purposes, the American Community Survey (ACS) broadly classifies health insurance coverage as private insurance or public insurance. In 2022, North Dakota reported the highest rate of private coverage among states (78.4 percent, tied with Utah) and the second lowest rate of public coverage (29.5 percent).

Find more details.

Thank You.

Thank you to the Bush Foundation for awarding North Dakota Compass a three-year Ecosystem grant. We are grateful to the Bush Foundation for their continuous support and for recognizing the role North Dakota Compass plays in helping other organizations solve problems in their communities and across our region.


"We are really excited about our 2023 Ecosystem grantees. These grants provide valuable operating funding for organizations," said Jackie Statum Allen, grantmaking director at the Bush Foundation. "What makes these grants even more important is that the funding supports the organizations that others find most valuable and critical to the success of their own work. We know problem solving is hard and it can't be done in isolation. We call them Ecosystem organizations because they create the environment needed for organizations and leaders across our region to solve problems across a variety of issues."

Read more about the Bush Foundation

Sweater Weather Data.

In 2022, North Dakota ranked 4th among 50 states for the share of cost-burdened households, with 25 percent of households paying more than 30% of their gross income for housing. However, the number and percentage of households who are severely cost burdened (paying more than 50% of their gross income for housing) increased from the previous year.

What percent of North Dakota households were severely housing cost- burdened in 2022?

A.    3 percent

B.    6 percent

C.    12 percent

D.    20 percent

Find More Housing Data.

October Data Bonanza.

Loads of data were harvested this month with the release of the 2022 1-year ACS data. Make sure you check back often for the newest data available! 


  • Disability (7 charts) 
  • Median Income (3 charts)


  • Population Trends (4 charts)


  • Disability (10 charts)


  • Age (9 charts)
  • Gender (5 charts)
  • Income (6 charts)


  • Children With Working Parents (6 charts)
  • Preschool Enrollment (3 charts)
  • Low Birth Weight (19 charts)


  • Median Income (2 charts)
  • Poverty (5 charts)


  • Cost-burdened Households (7 charts)
  • Homeownership Rate (7 charts)


  • Health Care Coverage (6 charts)


  • Proportion of Adults Working (5 charts)
  • Educational Attainment (8 charts)

Get the full listing of the updated graphics, charts, and data here.