September 30, 2023

Lectins? Oxalates? Nightshades? BAD?????

Don't you find it discouraging? I do.

So many healthy foods, but all we hear lately is how we need to avoid them.

"The Lectin-Free Diet"

"The Low-Oxlalate Diet"

"The Anti-Inflammatory Diet"

I say,

"I want to have my beans, barley, tomatoes, peppers, nuts, eggplant, onions and eat them, too!"

Today let's tip-toe through the bean fields in an attempt to sort fact from fiction.

Let's discover strategies to help us save the baby and throw out the bathwater!

Join my on ZOOM today, September 30, at NOON (EST)!

To join, click this link

When you are asked to enter the Webinar (or meeting) ID, enter this:

892 0634 1064

If you join before I start the Webinar, that's good; just hang out, and I will start it up promptly at noon (EST).

For previous newsletters and podcasts, go HERE.

Wondrous Roots - now on YouTube!

The recordings for these Zoom webinars are now available on our YouTube channel. This is the easiest way to pick up the Zoom webinars after they air.

In addition, I will be adding informational videos on a variety of health topics. Subscribe so you can easily find them! If you want to find the newsletters that go with each of the Saturday videos, go to my website HERE.



Controversy and Myths Over Lectins – Are Lectins Bad for You?

Lectins are a type of protein found in certain types of plants. There are thousands of kinds of lectins, and some of them are now blamed for digestive problems, obesity, brain fog, and a slew of autoimmune diseases. But many of the plants that contain lectins could be among the healthiest foods in the modern diet. So what’s the truth? Should you eat them or not?

Another good resource...
6 Natural Lectin-Blockers


What Is A Low-Oxalate Diet? Who Should Follow It?

It’s no secret that foods like spinach, broccoli and sweet potatoes are brimming with health benefits. But did you know that they’re also high in oxalates?

Oxalates are organic compounds that can accumulate in the kidneys, increasing the risk of painful kidney stones. But while a low-oxalate diet was once the go-to treatment for kidney stones, emerging research now shows that you may not need to cut oxalates out of your diet altogether.

Learn More

"Who says?"

Potassium-magnesium citrate is an effective prophylaxis against recurrent calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis

In other words, take a potassium-magnesium citrate supplement to protect against the development of kidney stones from your dietary oxalates.

See the Research


Nightshade Vegetables: Good or Bad? Breaking the Nightshade Myth

Rich sources of nutrients or triggers for inflammatory bowel disease? You've likely heard of nightshade vegetables, whether you think they’re good, bad, or something in between.

They’re a hot topic in the wellness world, and the jury is still out on whether people with food sensitivity should eat them in high concentrations or if they're part of a healthy diet.

And while there's not enough scientific evidence to suggest avoiding them altogether, are some nightshades worse than others? What even are nightshade vegetables?

Learn More

Some "have your cake" recipes!

Black Bean Soup
Eggplant Crisp with Walnut Streusel
Spinach & Garlic Lentils

I made this last Sunday. Delicious and works well for a quick, nutritious lunch or supper.

Want to get to the "root" of your health issues?

"You have more power than you know..."

Power Up! at Wondrous Roots

Open store hours 9:30-5 M-F

Consultation by appointment
