July 2024

IPM Collaborates with Clermont Senior Services to Feed Older Neighbors


  • Crossroads East Side Brings City Serve Day to IPM
  • Summer Collection Drives: Fill the Van, Harvest Your Garden
  • IPM Pantry: This Month's Needs
  • Note These Dates
  • Summer Hunger Match

IPM Expands Pop-Up Pantries to Reach

Senior Citizens in Clermont County

Thanks to a generous Healthy Aging grant obtained through a partnership with Clermont County Senior Services, IPM Food Pantry is bringing Pop-Up Pantries, Fresh Start Kitchens and Restart Kitchens to our senior neighbors in need.

The Pop-Up Pantries — seven to date, at senior living centers from Williamsburg and Felicity to New Richmond and Goshen — are specialized to provide healthy and easy-to-prepare foods geared to their needs.

We are so grateful to collaborate with our community partners to expand our reach throughout our service area.

"The partnership between IPM Food Pantry and Clermont Senior Services is truly special and long overdue. By teaming up, we've been able to provide essential resources like Pop-Up Pantries to make sure our seniors have the food and services they need to stay independent. This collaboration shows the power of community support and our shared commitment to improving the lives of older adults in Clermont County." — Bill DeHass, CEO, Clermont Senior Services

“The residents at Garrison Place would like to thank you all for the food that was provided for them. Your staff were all so helpful with the residents. They couldn’t believe that you all even helped them back to their apartments. It was like a holiday of gifts from heaven.

They’re still talking about it. They asked if you all could come every month. Again, Thank You from the bottom of our hearts, it was so much appreciated. — Garrison Place Resident Manager

"Oh my word! Thank you! Thank you! I wish you would come every week. This food is exciting! — Garrison Place Resident

Crossroad East Side Church Volunteers Serve IPM

With City Serve Day Projects

IPM recently welcomed 28 volunteers from Crossroads East Side Church as part of their City Serve Day, themed "Serve Your City. Change the World." They tackled various projects around our Food Pantry and Distribution Center, from packing emergency food boxes and crates for our Drive-Through Pantry to weeding and painting inspirational signs and rocks that may be found around our property.

Volunteers are at the heart of IPM, and we are thankful for all of you!

IPM Summer Collection Drives Seek

School Supplies, Garden Produce

Now that we have registered 465 children to receive back-to-school supplies next month, we are asking you to help us "Fill the Van" by dropping off donations of backpacks and other supplies from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. July 25-26 at IPM, 4623 Aicholtz Road.

You can also donate through our Amazon Wish List:


Calling all gardeners: We — and IPM's neighbors in need — really appreciate you sharing your garden bounty with us!

Please bring donations to our pantry:

12-3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday;

9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday.

Thank you!

IPM Pantry Needs

Here are IPM's current most-needed items to stock our pantry:

  • Canned meat (particularly chicken)
  • Shampoo
  • Deodorant
  • Toilet Paper
  • Adult Diapers
Please bring your donations to our pantry, 4623 Aicholtz Rd.:
12-3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.
9 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday.
Thank you for your generosity!

Note These Dates!


10 a.m.-noon Saturday, July 20: Emmanuel United Methodist Church, 4312 Amelia Olive Branch Rd., Batavia, 45103.

10 a.m.-noon Wednesday, July 24: Marr Cook Elementary School, 6692 Goshen Rd., Goshen, 45122.

10 a.m.- noon Wednesday, July 31: Williamsburg Old High School, 549 W. Main St., Williamsburg, 45176.

10 a.m.-noon Thursday, Aug. 1: Lynchburg-Clay Elementary School, 6760 OH 134, Lynchburg, 45142.

10 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Aug. 7: William Bick Primary School, 101 Fossyl Dr., Bethel, 45106.

Help IPM Reach Summer Hunger Match

From Haile Foundation

We are close to meeting our 2024 Summer Hunger Match goal and are grateful to all of you who have already contributed!

Thanks to a generous matching grant from the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr., Foundation, all Summer Hunger donations will be doubled to help IPM assist families struggling to provide additional meals for their children while they're not in school. You can donate below to help us deliver hope to our neighbors:


IPM is Grateful for Our Pantry Partners' Ongoing Support!

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