Friday, September 29, 2023   14 Tishrei, 5784

Dear Harkham GAON Families,

Chag Sameach!  Z’man Simcha Teinu.

By now, some families have received progress reports, in advance of quarter report cards, which will be issued at the end of October.  Of course, progress is just a snapshot of a moment in time;  change for better or worse can happen at any time, and fresh starts are always possible.  At this juncture, where we are all getting to know one another better, and our school seems to be settling into somewhat of a rhythm, we would be happy to arrange for some  optional parent-teacher conferences.  If you might be interested in the opportunity to meet in person or virtually with two or more of your child(ren)’s teachers, please complete this form: Student Study Team Meeting Request.

We will return to school on Tuesday, October 10th, after Simchat Torah, with a regular schedule starting at 8:15am. Please note that the school will be closed, and no staff on call during this Sukkot vacation period. 

This week, we had a few more orders for our Hot Lunch Program (order here: Hot Lunch Program Order Form), still in its pilot stages.  I ordered food myself, and I guarantee that it arrives on time, hot, tasty and plentiful. The menu when we return will be: Alfredo Pasta, Beef Tacos and Stir Fry Chinese Chicken with rice! 

Thank you for your vigilance after the requests we made last week about: not allowing your children to bring non-kosher food into our building, and not disrupting our school by allowing your children to order lunches from delivery services.  We have seen a reduction in this behavior since we wrote to you. In any case, please help us maintain a smooth flowing school day for your children without outside distractions.  

Wishing you and yours a joyous and restful Sukkot break, and see you in October!

Ruth Morris


Harkham GAON Academy