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Monthly - News & Updates

October 2023 | Issue 19


In This Month's Newsletter:

• Skill UP! - Training Opportunities

• Upcoming Events

• MIIS Resource Spotlight 

• DQ Matters 

• Top 5 Resources of the Month 

• All Aboard!

Skill UP!

Training Opportunities

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HL7 Admin Console

The HL7 Admin Console allows users to view and monitor the HL7 messages their organization is transmitting to the MIIS.

Wednesday October 18th, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Register Here

Couldn't attend our last webinar?

Watch the recording here:

Patients Vaccinated Report

This training provides an overview of the Patients Vaccinated Report.

Upcoming Events 

MIAP Pediatric Immunization Skills Building Conference

The MIIS will be attending the next MIAP Pediatric Immunization Skills Building Conference on October 25, 2023. The conference will be a hybrid in-person/online event.

Registration is currently open.

For event information provided by the Immunization Division please click the button below.

See you there! 

Read More

MIIS Newsletter Archive

Looking for previous issues of the MIIS Newsletter? Look no further! We now have all issues available as PDFs in the MIIS Newsletter Archive!

Check It Out! 

DQ Matters

New COVID-19 CVX Codes

As of 9/11/2023, bivalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States and administration of the vaccines must stop immediately. The original monovalent vaccine has also been de-authorized. Any remaining bivalent inventory should be wasted, and a storage and handling issue should be reported in the MIIS. If you have any questions about your current bivalent inventory or wastage of these vaccines, please contact the MIIS Vaccine Management Unit.

As of 9/12/2023, the new 2023-24 Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been approved by FDA and CDC. The new mRNA vaccines are universally recommended to everyone 6 months and older. Please consult the CDC recommendations (Link to CDC Website) for more specific recommendations. There has been no change to Novavax vaccine authorization.

With new vaccines come new CVX Codes! Please make sure your EHR systems have the correct codes to properly send administered vaccine to the MIIS. Any previous COVID-19 CVX codes should be restricted to reporting historical vaccinations. 

The newly approved COVID-19 mRNA vaccine CVX codes are as follows:  

Vaccine Name

CVX Code

COMIRNATY Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine 12y+


Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine 5y-11y


Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine 6m-4y


SPIKEVAX Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine 12y+


Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine 6m-11y


In the last month, the MIIS received reports of about 100 COVID-19 vaccinations per week. The Data Quality team will be monitoring COVID-19 vaccine reporting in the coming weeks to ensure the correct vaccine codes are being reported.

If you have any questions about your vaccination reporting, please contact the MIIS Help Desk at

Top 5 Resources of the Month

Hand-picked resources from the MIIS team that they recommend to assist users with their most frequently asked questions.

School Immunization Survey Mini Guide

Includes steps for submitting the Childcare/Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 7, and Grade 12 Immunization Surveys to MDPH. 

MIIS School Immunization Survey Training Video

Explains and instructs how to submit the school immunization survey for Kindergarten, Grade 7, and Grade 12.

Inviting Users to Register Mini Guide

Provides step-by-step instructions for inviting a new user to register with the MIIS under your site. 

Deactivating Users Mini Guide

Provides step-by-step instructions for deactivating accounts for users that are no longer associated with your organization.

Patients Vaccinated Report Mini Guide

Details how to run the Patients Vaccinated Report available in the MIIS.

All Aboard!

The Patients Vaccinated Report

The Patients Vaccinated Report is a useful tool that allows end users to generate a list of patients who received an immunization within a specified timeframe as well as update immunization validity through an interactive dashboard. Running a Patients Vaccinated Report is a helpful tool for tracking which patients you have vaccinated for both increasing rates and in the event of a recall.

The report can be accessed in the Reports Module within the MIIS. To run the report, you must enter a vaccine administration date range and select a vaccine group to run the report for. You may choose “any vaccine” to run the report for all vaccines. Users also have the option to limit the report by various criteria. The delivered report can be opened in a web browser where users also have the option to export the list to an Excel file.

The Patients Vaccinated Report allows users to change patient immunization validity status directly through the report. You can update one, or several, patients’ immunization validity through this interactive report. In addition to regular patient management, conducting quarterly data quality checks will help to ensure accurate and useful data.

For additional reports and resources please visit the MIIS Training Center

MIIS Helpdesk: | MIIS Resource Center | Virtual Gateway:

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