Cornwall Public Library Newsletter - October 2023 | |
From the Director's Desk... | |
I've heard the saying, "Hope springs eternal." Have you? Lately, it seems as if all I am doing is hoping eternally. Here's a list of some of my current hopes for the Library: 1. I hope the construction doesn't take too much longer. 2. I hope when the construction is done the staff's transition back to the library goes smoothly. 3. I hope that all the IT equipment that's been stored is in good working order. 4. I hope it doesn't take too long to get all 57 boxes of Cornwall items that were returned while we were up at Munger Cottage put back where they belong on our shelves. 5. I hope our new HVAC equipment lives up to our expectations. 6. I hope the public likes the updated restrooms that are ADA-compliant. 7. I hope the public realizes how hard the staff works to meet our public's level of expectation. 8. I hope that the programs staff have worked so hard to bring to you are well-attended.
I'll share one last hope—I hope you all have a lovely fall and come to see us wherever the CPL is!
Charlotte A. Dunaief
Library Director
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Library Hours at
Munger Cottage
- Monday - Wednesday: 9am—8pm
- Thursday: 9am—5pm
- Friday: 9am—6pm
- Saturday: 9am—4pm
- Sunday: 1pm—4pm
Reminder: there is no access to a drop box while at our temporary location, so patrons need to return books during our hours of operation.
| Library Board of Trustees |
Special Board Meeting
To discuss replacement
of hallway flooring
Tuesday, October 3
C-o-H Village Hall Board Room
Monthly Business Meeting
Wednesday, October 11
C-o-H Village Hall Board Room
All meetings are open to the public. The current agenda and meeting packet can be found here.
Make a plan to visit the Friends of Cornwall Library table at the next ART WALK - SUNDAY, October 15 from 4-7pm. They will be showcasing their collection of works by local artist Nita Klein. All proceeds go to support great library programs for all to enjoy.
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Construction progress continues at our building with the hope that we are ready to invite the public back by mid to late October. We've managed to provide basic services - circulation, reference and notary by appointment - from Munger Cottage (40 Munger Drive). Simply order your materials from other RCLS libraries to pick up at Munger. Not sure how to do that? Just give us a call at 845-534-8282 and we can help. Unfortunately, computers, printing, copying and faxing are still not available in our temporary location.
Wish you could browse the collection or hang out in the space? Now is the perfect time to use that valuable Cornwall card to visit other libraries in the RCLS system.* Click here for a complete list of member libraries.
What about programs? Programming is still taking place, just in lots of locations around town. Take a look below for more information on all our great offerings and where they are being held. If the location is not specified, we are planning to have that program back in our building. WARNING: October programs planned for our building may need to be moved to another location if construction is not completed on time. For the very latest information, please check our website, social media or give us a call.
*West Point residents with a Cornwall Local Access card will need to continue ordering their materials for pick-up at our satellite location during our construction closure. Please contact the CPL at 845-534-8282 and ask for Ellen with any questions or concerns about this policy.
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Eat Healthy,
Stay Healthy
Tuesday, October 3
10:00am - 11:00am
Munger Cottage Dining Room
We are happy to partner with Montefiore St. Luke’s Cornwall to host this free seminar on nutrition. Join Registered Dietitian Meagan Walters as she provides solid information on the best food choices you can make to suit your particular health needs. Registration is requested and can be accessed through the library website.
Falling for Jazz
Friday, October 6
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Munger Cottage Main Room
Start the fall off right with this toe tapping performance by the Beacon Jazz Lab.
Registration is required via the library website.
The Authoritative Guide to Magnet Fishing
Tuesday, October 10
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Munger Cottage Main Room
Join author and Cornwall community member David Kramer as he shares the ins and outs of magnet fishing, everything from its history to the art of selecting a magnet. This comprehensive presentation is sure to captivate and entertain.
A drop-in program – no registration required.
Medicare 101: Parts A, B, C, D
What to Know About
Open Enrollment
Wednesday, October 11
1:00 - 2:00pm
Munger Cottage Dining Room
Wednesday, November 1
11am - 12pm
Library Community Room
Attention, current and new 2024 Medicare enrollees! It's time to compare plans and make sure you have the right health and prescription drug coverage.
A drop-in program - no registration required.
Monday Night Movie
October 30
Enjoy free popcorn and a cult classic film. October's selection is the 1978 horror Halloween (of course!) - Rated R.
A drop-in event - no registration required.
Drug Interactions & Side Effects:
What Every Patient Needs to Know
Thursday, November 2
10:00 - 11:00am
Join John Battiato, Montefiore St. Luke's Cornwall Director of Pharmacy Services, as he explains how you can stay better informed about potential drug interactions and side-effects.
Registration is requested and can be accessed via the library website.
Salute to Broadway:
Tunes on the Electric Cello
Friday, November 3
Munger Cottage Main Room
Catch the unique sound of Alex Prizgintas and his amplified cello as he immerses his audience in a journey combining history and harmony with Broadway musical selections.
A drop-in program - no registration required.
Interviewing 101:
Preparing for Your Next Job
Thursday, November 9
12:00 - 1:00pm
via Zoom
Learn interview skill techniques with Job Interview Coach Andy Maroney. This free, virtual program is designed to help you get ready to succeed in all aspects of your job search.
Registration opens via the library website on October 1. A Zoom link will be sent to the first 25 registrants. If registration is full, please call the library at 845-534-8282 to be placed on a waiting list.
6-Hour Safe Driver Course
Wednesday, November 15
Friday, December 1
8:45am - 4:00pm
Sponsored by AARP
Register in person at the library with payment (cash or check) to confirm registration - $25 for AARP members; $30 for non-members.
Make checks payable to AARP, with AARP member number (if applicable) written on check. Cash payments must be exact change only. Participants must bring driver's license and AARP card (if applicable) to class.
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Creative Writers
Select Mondays
Always open to new members. For planning purposes, we request that participants register via the library website prior to attending.
During library construction, this group will meet at the
C-o-H Village Hall Board Room.
Member's Choice
Book Group
October 4 @4:30pm
(note the time change)
The Thread Collectors
by Shaunna J. Edwards
& Alyson Richman
During library construction, this group will meet at C-o-H Village Hall - Mayor's Conference Room. New members are always welcome. This is a hybrid group. If you would like a Zoom link, please register via the library website.
Sneak peek for Nov. 1st...
Gutenberg's Apprentice
by Alix Christie.
Sports Book Club
Oct. 17 & 24
Games that Changed
the Game
by Ron Jaworski
Introducing a new group especially for sports fans. This fall, we'll "tackle" the NFL, discussing our book selection and watching pertinent video clips. During library construction, this group will meet at Munger Cottage Dining Room
Mystery Book Group
October 19 @2:00pm
Murder in an Irish Village
by Carlene O'Connor
During library construction, this group will meet at the
C-o-H Village Hall Board Room. New members are always welcome.
Out & About
Book Group
October 25 @7:00pm
The Invited
by Jennifer McMahon
Join us in October at Citrus for some food, drinks & lively discussion. New people are always welcome! To help coordinate with the restaurant, we are asking anyone planning to attend to register via the library website.
Book Chat & Chocolate
October 26 @7:00pm
Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone
by Benjamin Stevenson
New members are always welcome...and chocolate is always served!
Lung Cancer Seminar
Thursday, November 9
6:00 - 7:00pm
Dr. Marc Rappaport, Medical Oncologist at Montefiore St. Luke’s Cornwall, will explain the risks, screening, symptoms and treatment of lung cancer. MSLC Oncology Navigators will also be available to connect participants with services for lung, colon, cervical and breast cancer screenings.
Registration is requested and can be accessed through the library website.
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Dog Tales
October 23
Grades K-12
Come read independently to a furry friend from Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause.
Please register via the library website for a
15-minute time slot of your choosing. Registration opens one week prior to each program.
Family Story Time
Select Tuesdays
October 24 & 31
9:30am OR 10:30am
Enjoy a story time with the whole family. Registration is required and opens via the library website one week prior to each class.
Adults only need to register their
child(ren) - not themselves.
PJ Story Time
October 25
All Ages Welcome
Wear your PJs, bring a favorite cuddly, and enjoy stories & songs at the library.
Please register via the library website one week prior to the program.
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Fall Market Story Time
Wednesday, October 4
Enjoy stories, puppets, songs, fun & giggles on the Town Hall Lawn (weather permitting).
A family drop-in event.
Art Afternoon
Wednesday, October 25
K-12th Grades
Pumpkin Houses
Break out your engineering skills & build your very own pumpkin house! Participants under 11yrs will need an adult to help them.
Registration is required and opens via the library website one week prior to the program.
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