
Where We Came From / Nuestra Historia

When we began in the 1970s, led by Puerto Rican activists and Latinx residents, our grassroots goals were to protect and preserve our community's children, youth, and families from the effects of drugs, gangs, and violence. When we incorporated as a nonprofit in 1978, our goals grew into a mission of addressing economic and social disenfranchisement through employment and training opportunities, youth development, and neighborhood revitalization efforts that centered and honored our culture and community members.

In 2007, we were almost uprooted from the Lower East Side due to gentrification. Community residents, organizers, and clergy activated and helped replant us in our original space with an official resolution requiring that our voice be a part of any city development plans for our property. With renewed sustainability from the Acacia Network
, we have reinforced our mission to lift our people, and reaffirm, preserve, and highlight the culture, art, and contributions of Puerto Ricans and Latinx to this city and nation.
Where We're Going / Nuestro Futuro

Creativity and its profound effect on our own well-being and that of the world are bound together, therefore art, culture, fulfillment, productivity, and impact are interdependent. We believe that neighborhoods should act as their own cultural developers and sustainable economic engines, and as such, in 2018, Loisaida is set to launch El Semillero - The Seedbed,  a makerspace community HUB for cultivating our skills and ourselves.

El Semillero will expand access to cutting-edge technology assets, already secured by Loisaida, for artistic residencies.  It will also create an incubator for young entrepreneurs and idea activators, as well as vocational and career development training in all media and culinary arts, audio and visual production, technology education, and media access. Together, we will build our community's capacity to thrive in the economic and technology sectors driving today's economy, while also creating space to develop and cultivate the cultural art forms and expressions that give us our identity and voice. By helping our community grow its economic capacity, health, and well-being, Loisaida is making space to make our future here and beyond.

Who We're Taking With Us / Nuestra Familia

Together, we are the sounds, scents, tastes, flavors, and air of our Latinx and Caribbean cultures, both traditional and contemporary. We are the product of resilience, makers and keepers of place, and voices to be heard. We are storefront churches, spray-painted murals, and gatherings on the corner. We are artesanias, mercaderos, storytellers, and keepers of the home. We are a  unique cultural and racial mosaic. We are a neighborhood ecosystem with a right to the city and a right to access all that we need to maintain and build our place in this society. 

Loisaida has survived these past 38 years because of the support of the community. In this, our first ever fundraising campaign, we're asking you to invest in  El Semillero, our programs, and projects that support the resilience of our Latinx community footprint and legacy.

We thank you and remind you that now is the time, contribute today!
Libertad Guerra
Loisaida Inc.
Join Our Mailing List
Loisaida Inc. Center | 646-726-4715 | [email protected] | http://www.loisaida.org
710 E. 9th Street New York, NY 10009
The opinions expressed during events, presentations, workshops, performances or through artwork are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the view of Loisaida Inc. its affiliates or staff.