Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC & The Philanthropy Guy, LLC


Charitable Giving Newsletter

09/20/23 Edition

In This Week's Issue:

Expense Reduction: How Nonprofits Save Money without Changing Anything!

Weekly Tips for Nonprofits, Donors, and Professional Advisors

Expense Reduction: How Nonprofits Save Money without Changing Anything!

Expense Reduction

When I first learned about the concept of Expense Reduction, or Cost Reduction---where a specialized firm can review a nonprofits' expenses, tell them how much money they are overspending for traditional services, negotiate a lower rate for the nonprofit, and actually never change vendors---I thought: "What wouldn't every nonprofit take advantage of this amazing opportunity?" Upon reflection, I think it's a few things: 1) Many nonprofits still don't know about this service, and 2) They think it's too good to be true! Here is an article just below on the concept of reducing expenses---and three solid professionals in the business just below this link whom I thought you should know: What is Cost Reduction? | DealHub

Rod Ganis

Rod is with Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA), consultants with expertise and resources required to analyze any

type of market/expense, no matter how complex. He says their approach extends a nonprofits' ability to find cost savings beyond what it could typically find through in-house resources and allows nonprofit staff to stay focused on its mission. Payment to his company is solely based on the cost savings achieved for the nonprofit: if there are no savings, there is no fee charged! Read more about Rod here in this link:

Rod Ganis - Expense Reduction Analysts

T. D. Thompson

T.D. is with a different firm: Schooley Mitchell. He says a nonprofit can be more efficient and profitable by focusing on four specific expense line items: Telecom (i.e. wireless, local and long distance, VoIP, data connectivity, Internet, conferencing), Electronic Payment Processing (“EPP”- credit and debit card processing fees), Parcel Shipping (via UPS, FedEx or USPS), and Waste Removal Expenses. He and his firm can reduce a firm’s annual spend on each of these four line items by close to 30%. Here is a three-minute educational video The Schooley Mitchell Process - YouTube and some info on T.D. as well: tdthompson - Boston, Massachusetts - Schooley Mitchell

Jon Horn

Jon is also with Schooley Mitchell. He says that---daily---businesses are bombarded with offers on the latest technology and services. He and his firm offer independent and objective recommendations based solely on the client’s best interests. Any business that processes debit or credit cards, utilizes telephones, wireless devices, computers, ships small packages, e-signature or generates waste can benefit from his service. Read more about Jon here: 

jhorn - Canton, Connecticut - Schooley Mitchell

A Tip for Nonprofits: Your Values Statement is comprised of the guiding principles for which your nonprofit stands---the ideals you refuse to compromise as you conduct your mission in pursuit of your vision! Here are some excellent examples as you create your own such statements: (3) Seven Nonprofit Core Values Examples | LinkedIn

A Tip for Donors: Did you know that the busiest donation day of the year is December 31st? Well, don't wait that long, especially if you have more complex assets to donate! Speaking of those, this community foundation does a nice job of laying out all the choices one might consider: Ways to Give | Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation (

A Tip for Professional Advisors: Did you know that nearly 800 U.S. community foundations collectively grant more than $6.5 billion each year and manage more than $82 billion in charitable assets? Get to know your local community partners! Read more here: Community Foundations — Community Foundation Awareness Initiative (

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more."

~H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Richard C. Peck Consulting, LLC

About Rick

69 Mulberry Street, Unit 2

Concord, New Hampshire 03301

+1 (603) 387-3897

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