Key Updates on the Last Mile Federal Funding Account Grant Program:
Last Mile Federal Funding Account Application Window Closes Friday, September 29, 2023 (4:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time). We encourage potential applicants to file their best, complete applications early.
Applicants affected by the Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative update are encouraged to submit their application by the deadline using the middle-mile locations as reflected on the California Department of Technology’s Statewide Network Map. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will engage with those applicants before and after the September 29, 2023 deadline to provide guidance in solving for any segments needed to reach the Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative, if needed.
You may also sign up for CPUC broadband news and funding program email updates if you have not already, such as upcoming grant application windows and other opportunities.
Middle-Mile Broadband Network Map Update: The California Department of Technology (CDT) announced updates to the Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative map on September 15, 2023. The CPUC will continue to work with applicants affected by middle-mile locations to provide guidance in solving for any segments needed to reach the Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative.
Broadband Location Data Available to Federal Funding Account Applicants: Is your community applying for a grant from the CPUC’s Last Mile Federal Funding Account? The CPUC recently published information on how to access this free-of-charge Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric data. Learn more about this optional location point data by visiting the Federal Funding Account Location Data webpage.
CPUC Broadband Seminars for Building Expertise:Last month we shared the CPUC’s introductory broadband video series (scroll down this webpage to view videos). Is your organization looking to sharpen its effectiveness in developing local solutions for closing the digital divide, developing resilient broadband infrastructure, and creating affordable and accessible high-speed internet for all? We are now offering in-person Broadband Seminars that dive deeper into these topics. Contact us to schedule a seminar!
Broadband Caseworkers are standing by to provide technical assistance. Our team connects California communities with CPUC broadband expertise and resources across a range of grant programs, including navigating the funding process and refining local partnership models.