It's A Wrap

News from Laguna Beach Unified School District, its teachers, students, staff and Board of Education.

September 22, 2023

District leadership staff share report highlighting summer successes and plans for the school year

As the summer of 2023 comes to an end, Laguna Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) is gearing up for another successful academic year. On Thursday evening, district leadership staff presented an update to the LBUSD Board of Education that included an overview of the five LBUSD programs that provided students with expanded learning opportunities during the summer months. Staff also shared new opportunities available to students and families this school year, including support for preschool readiness and transitional kindergarten, in addition to Career Technical Education (CTE), and advanced coursework options in middle and high school.

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LBUSD students harness technology to tackle real-world challenges, says technology update

LBUSD conducts a BrightBytes survey every year to examine classroom technology use, access to technology in and out of school, attitudes toward technology usage, and technology skills of students and educators. Chief Technology Officer Michael Morrison presented the results of the 2023 survey to the board on Thursday, capturing the district's progress in educational technology usage since 2014. Mr. Morrison also shared how the district has created professional learning opportunities for staff that encourage creativity and innovation through the use of technology.

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Board approves free telehealth services for students by licensed mental health providers

The Board of Education on Thursday approved a no-cost contract with Hazel Health to extend the service reach of LBUSD's already-strong school-based mental health services with the addition of telehealth services provided to students free of charge, with no copay or direct service fee, from licensed mental health providers in a confidential online telehealth platform. Under this agreement, Hazel Health will provide telehealth counseling and therapy services focusing on behavioral health to any referred students in need of supplemental one-on-one mental health services.

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All staff now have access to mental health support through the Calm app

With the board's approval, all LBUSD staff members, and up to give dependents, will now have access to the Calm App platform. Employees will gain unlimited access to Calm's entire platform of content, including Calm for Work, Meditations, Sleep Stories, Calm Body, Masterclasses, and a range of tools for building healthy habits.

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New job position to support extended day for transitional kindergarten program

The Board of Education, in support of offering families the option of an extended day transitional kindergarten (TK) program, approved a new job position on Thursday. The extended day TK program will provide an all-day option for families to have their students stay on campus beyond the regular school day.

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Watch the Board Meeting

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 28, 2023, at 6 p.m. and will be a Study Session on facilities. Visit for more information.

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