This Week at

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St. Nicholas’ Mission is to actively share Christ’s love for all people.

Our vision is to strive to be a welcoming community who worships a caring and merciful God, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love.

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

Pastor: Bob Farrow

office: 706.628.7272

Sunday, July 14

The EighthSunday After Pentecost

Proper 10

10:00 a.m.

Holy Eucharist Rite II

Join us in person or online!

Readings for Sunday:

Amos 7:7-15

Psalm 85:8-13

Ephesians 1:3-14

Mark 6:14-29

Evening Prayer

Wednesday, July 17

5:00 p.m.

In the Parish

Showing off St. Nicholas and its new Priest in Charge

On Saturday, July 13, we'll have an Open House with light refreshments. This event is open to the entire community, and the more the merrier!

We'll need church members there to act as hosts and guides, so plan on coming yourself and invite your friends to come as guests.

(Setter-uppers will be at the church beginning at 10 am Saturday. Feel free to come lend a hand!)

Putting the "Episcopalian" back in our Sunday processions

Serving as Crucifer now 90% less hazardous!*

Now that we have an ordained Priest in Charge, it's a good time to bring some good ol' Episcopalian pageantry back to our services.

We're moving the resting place of the processional cross to a spot down the steps from the altar to reduce the possibility of the steps creating a tripping hazard for someone wearing an alb. If that danger was what was keeping you from serving as Crucifer and you'd like to sign up now, please contact Erin in the office with your availability in the coming months.

*The last 10% is up to you.

Congratulations to the State Champs!

Liza Price (Drucye Cox's granddaughter), and her team won the State Softball Championship!

2024 Midyear Giving Statements

Giving statements for the first half of 2024 went out last week via email. The handful of people who do not have an email address on file with the church should have received them via US mail.

A few people have reported either not receiving the email at all or that the email went into a spam folder. If you did not receive one and think you ought to have, or if you'd just like to check on your giving status, contact Erin in the office.

In-Kind Donations: Receipts are Important to the Church!


We are so blessed to have congregation members who donate the cost of goods and services to the benefit of St. Nicholas, many of whom prefer to remain anonymous. The congregation deeply appreciates the generosity of these folks.


The church also needs to know, come budgeting time, what it really costs to run the church and to put on our programs and events.

If you pay for something for the church but do not want reimbursement, please consider submitting your receipt anyway. You can be credited with an in-kind donation on your private giving record and the church will have a better idea of what things really cost.

You can bring receipts to Erin any time, even if the donation was made earlier in the year.

Did You Know? Valuable Pastoral Care Resource

In case you missed the previous news flashes: Earlier this year, St. Nicholas joined the Congregational Care Plan at the Pastoral Institute.

Using these services is always anonymous. The church receives a monthly report with only the number of sessions used.

The Pastoral Institute provides not only one-on-one counseling services, but also grief support groups that are always free, and other programs available to anyone who needs a safe place to talk.

There are flyers posted in the church hallway and parlor, or information is available from the Pastoral Institute's website.

Childcare Provider Wanted

We are currently seeking a responsible teen or adult to provide childcare in the nursery during Sunday Services and the occasional special event. This is a paid position, and there are training requirements.

Contact the church office to express interest and receive the job description.

Prayer Requests

Your prayers are asked for:

Your prayers are asked for Ann Bacher and her family; Barbara Bradley and her family; and Liz Dixon

Continued prayers for all those in need within our community and those in the world who have suffered due to war and natural disaster. We pray for peace for the people of Israel and the Palestinians.


Please send all prayer requests to

In the Wider Church

The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe elected 28th presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church 

The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, bishop of the Episcopal Dioceses of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York, was elected and confirmed the 28th presiding bishop and primate of The Episcopal Church on June 26 for a nine-year term beginning Nov. 1.

The installation will take place on November 2 and will be live-streamed - stay tuned for more details on that.

Click here to read more.

Dr. Daniel Black's Clark Atlanta University Commencement address

Dr. Daniel Black, a professor of African American Studies at Clark Atlanta University, is not just well-respected within our community but also a good friend and frequent contributor to the Center. Recently, he has gained widespread recognition for his powerful commencement speech at Clark Atlanta University last May, which has resonated with audiences all over the globe and has been viewed over a million times. This speech, filled with impactful words, has become one of the most compelling commencement addresses, marking a significant milestone in his career. 

You too can hear his inspiring word at this link: The Center is immensely proud of Dr. Black's achievement and look forward to more opportunities to work with him. 

Statement from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on Anglican hospital closure in Gaza

Click here to read.

News and Events from the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

Click here to catch up on what's happening in our own Diocese, including an Events calendar for the few months.

In Our Greater Community

Visit Our Website

St. Nicholas is a proud member of the Pastoral Institute's Congregational Care Plan. Click on the image above to learn more.

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