NAIHC encourages its membership, tribal leaders, and housing partners to take action with Congress by contacting your respective Congressional Delegation and urging them to keep Amendment #1078 (NAHASDA) in the final National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bill. The Senate approved Amendment #1078 to reauthorize and amend the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) by a vote of 86-11 on July 27, 2023.
The Senate Committee on Armed Services and House Armed Services Committee have primary jurisdiction over reconciling the NDAA, although significant influence from the House Financial Services Committee still affects NAHASDA. Contact information for these committees are listed below along with several helpful documents to use in support of Amendment #1078 and NAHASDA including the addresses to send your tribal resolution.
Supporting Materials:
At the conclusion of the congressional recess in September, NAHASDA moves to a conference committee for consideration. The House and Senate will reconcile their respective versions through the conference committee, which is composed of members from each chamber, typically chosen from the relevant committees that initially considered the bill.
NAIHC appreciates your understanding of the urgency and requests that you send your support letters as soon as possible as, preferably before Congress returns from recess. The Senate returns on September 5 and the House is expected to return on September 11, 2023.
For questions, please contact NAIHC Chairman Thomas Lozano at 202-789-1754 or Ryan Edwards at