News from the RYE YMCA

January 2023

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Registered classes resume Tuesday, January 3.

The Rye Y Story Project

Cynthia's Story

"The Y is the perfect place on earth."

We moved to Harrison this year from Brazil - my husband, me and two boys. He’s working in the city every day and needed somewhere to exercise very early in the morning and I needed somewhere to go after I dropped the kids off at school. I didn’t know anyone here. So I looked on Google maps and I found this Y! I knew my cousin in Atlanta used to go the Y there so I said, “OK, let’s look at this one.”

Read more.

Session 3 Program Registration

Member Registration: starts January 18

Non-Member Registration: starts January 20

Family Member Rollover: New! (for those already enrolled in a class who wish to continue) starts January

Session 3 starts January 28. Watch for the program guide, online mid-month.

Tell your friends - Join the Rye Y January 3-9 and we'll waive the $100 Joiner's Fee!

Families, Children & Teens

  • Early Learning Center Registration starts January 3
  • First Family Friday - January 6
  • Parents Night Out - January 20
  • Middle School Teen Night -January 14
  • ASA Spots available
  • Child Watch and Tot Drop in the Y Studios
  • Open basketball time in the gymnasium
  • Family swim time

Click here to view the January Family Calendar

Click here for details

The Rye Y's New Nursery School in Mamaroneck

Registration is now open! Program starts in Mid-January. Click here for details.


Thank you for your generosity!

Our two giving trees were flooded with presents for Carver Center families. Thank you for making the lives of children in our community brighter this holiday season!

New Togetherhood Project: Knitting and Crocheting for Babies!

The Rye Y is teaming up with Open Door Family Medical Centers to help mothers give their babies a healthy and safe start in life. Join us as we come together to knit or crochet baby blankets, booties and caps for Open Door’s Baby Bundles.

Tuesdays, January 17, 24 and 31 at the Y Studios, 12-2pm. Registration required. Click here.

Materials provided. Beginners welcome. For more information, contact Denise Woodin


Getting to the Rye Y

Starting around January 3, Con Ed will begin gas main replacement work on Purchase Street (West Purdy to Locust). The work is expected to take about 10 weeks and there may be times when it will be necessary to take a detour to get to both 21 Locust and/or the Y Studios. We'll update you when we learn more.

Job Opportunities

Find your potential at the Rye Y! We are now hiring for full-time and part-time positions including:

Full time: Assistant Teacher, Head Teacher, Child Care Site Supervisor-Rye Neck

Part time: School Age Child Care Instructor, Group and Private Swim Instructor, Lifeguard, Personal Trainer, Water Exercise Instructor. 

Click here for details.

Safety First 

  • Strollers are not allowed in the Y. Please leave in the covered area outside.
  • Everyone entering the Y MUST check in at the Member Services Desk. ALL members must check in using their membership card, the Rye Y app or last name. ALL others must check in using a sign-in sheet.

Thank you for helping us keep everyone at the Rye Y safe!

Keep Our Community Healthy

  • Stay home if you are feeling sick.
  • Report symptoms and exposure to COVID-19 to your doctor and follow their guidance.
  • Follow hand sanitizing and hand washing protocol.
  • In the Fitness Center, wipe down equipment before and after usage.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Save the Date

35th Annual Rye Derby & Healthy Kids Day - Sunday, April 30, 2023

|21 Locust Avenue, Rye, NY 10580
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