Friday Newsletter

September 1, 2023

This Sunday

Worship Service: 10 am

with Communion

and Guest Preacher Dr. Rick Staggenborg

Coffee Hour

Note: Worship will take place in the sanctuary with enhanced ventilation. There will be a livestream feed to a TV in Boulder Hall as an alternative worship space. The scent of linseed oil continues to linger. It is not toxic, but can be bothersome to some folks. Communion will be available to everyone in the building.

From the Pastor's Desk

Dear Westminster Members & Friends,


There are a number of wonderful things happening in worship this week. Westminster’s own Jeffrey Larkin is offering the special music which is always a delight when we can pull him away from the amazing directing and conducting he provides throughout the year. During worship, I will also introduce a special speaker, Dr. Rick Staggenborg, who will share his insights into faith and health through the lens of the Good Samaritan in the gospel of Luke. He is a retired psychiatrist living in Albany, OR and worked in community mental health before finishing his career with the VA where he specialized in psychotherapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. He is the Chair of the Health Care for All-Oregon Faith Caucus, a member of Physicians for a National Health Program, and a tireless supporter of universal health care. Dr. Staggenborg is the President of Veterans for Peace Chapter 132 and advocates for peace throughout the state. Please come welcome him and spend some time getting to know him during coffee hour.


Ever onward,

Pastor Kelly

Survey: Joys & Concerns in Worship Service

Dear Westminster members and friends,

The Worship Committee is in the process of planning for fall services. We've been tossing various ideas around and need your thoughts on the topic of managing the Prayers and Concerns portion of our service, which can take 10 minutes (and occasionally more) of our service time. As you might imagine, as we ask people informally, we get a range of ideas, and some people have strong opinions on this. We want to do our best to approach this arena respectfully but need to know more from more people. Even if you’ve told us your thoughts, and especially if you haven’t, will you please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us?  There are only a few questions, although the last one allows you to give a lengthy answer if you’d like. Click here for the survey.  

Many Thanks, 

Lucy Foster and the Worship Committee


Women's Night Out is Monday, September 11, at 6 pm at Garibaldi Mexican (1151 Lancaster Dr. NE). RSVP to Diane Stegmeir ( or 503-509-9854).


Want to contribute musically at WestPres? If you are a vocalist or instrumentalist and are interested in being on the worship team, please reach out to Ariana Recher ( or Jeffrey Larkin ( for more details on rehearsals and Sunday service!

We're well on our way to our new photo directory, with our first two photo dates in the camera. On our first photo date last Sunday we learned that these photos don't take long, so have added appointment slots, making each only 5 minutes instead of 10. If you don't have your appointment yet, click here to sign up for any of the dates coming: Sundays on September 10 and 17 from 11:20am to 3:30pm, or Monday September 11 from 5 to 8 pm. If you can't make it in, you can send a photo to giving your name(s) in the subject line.

Women are invited to join with other women from around the Presbytery for a fall gathering on September 30 right here in Keizer at John Knox. More info and sign up sheet here.

Save the Date

September 10: Sunday School Resumes

September 17: Youth Mission Dinner

September 24: Youth Collective Kick-Off

September 24: Budget & Finance Update

September 25: Red Cross Blood Drive

October 12-15: Fine Arts Festival


The childcare task force invites ministry groups in the congregation to walk through the education wing and to identify items, furniture, etc., that are theirs and not part of the Clean-Out Day on Sept 9.

The Pastor’s Bible Study on Tuesdays @ 10:30 am is now on hiatus until 9/12.

Access the full church calendar here.  

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!


Pray for our mission co-workers Elmarie and Scott Parker as they undergo a life and ministry transition. Scott has accepted a position as chaplain for Church @ the Park right here in Salem! Read more here.

**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin or here, please email or call the church office (; 503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.


Give blood September 25 (1:00 pm to 6:00 pm). The whole blood appointments are nearly half full already which is great! There are still many appointments in the desirable 5:15PM to 5:45pm times AND we need some Power Red donors 😃 As always to schedule your appointment, contact Bill Nelson at or (503) 576-1278 or Pam Garland at (503) 551-2998.

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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