SRPC's Monthly Newsletter: October 2023


We hope you enjoyed the long weekend and have had a chance to do some leaf peeping! We’ve had a busy start to our fall here at SRPC, with the Rochester Accessibility Audit, housing forums in Barrington and Somersworth, GACIT hearings, and a major CEDS workshop! October and November are not slow months either! We will be wrapping up our data collection season in the field, beginning the next round of MTP project solicitation, continuing numerous master plan chapter updates for our communities, and more! Below you will also find dozens of events going on throughout the Seacoast and New Hampshire.

Mark & Autumn


Staff Attends CPR Training

SCPHN Spotlight

Annual Report Released

Project Solicitation Live

Public Input Opportunities

Community (Spooky!) Happenings  

Farmington FD CPR Classes

Farmington Economic Revitalization Zone Webinar Wed. Oct. 25

Below: View of Moose Mountain in Brookfield this morning!

October is Farm to School Month!

Join NH Farm to School for four themed weeks highlighting a different aspect of student engagement with food and agriculture. Farm to School Month is a great time to promote your organization’s food-focused youth programs, including school or community gardens, nutrition programs, cooking classes, and more. Learn more and download the communications toolkit and creative materials.

RFP Live

Rockingham Planning Commission has been awarded a planning grant from round one of SS4A to develop regional Safety Action Plans for the four New Hampshire MPOs (NRPC, RPC, SNHPC, and SRPC). Safety Action Plans are comprehensive safety plans intended to reduce or eliminate serious injury and fatal roadway crashes through the development of a data-driven and holistic strategy in a transparent and inclusive process. Safety Action Plans include a set of required components and are a prerequisite for applying for SS4A Implementation Grant funding.Reach out to Colin with any questions.

SRPC Employees Attend CPR & AED Traning

On Friday, September 29th members of the SRPC team participated in CPR and AED training at the Farmington Fire Department, instructed by Christopher Waite. Topics ranged from adult CPR to infants and how to properly use an AED machine. In addition, the training touched on what to do during a choking emergency. Anyone interested in attending a training course can do so through Farmington Fire Department’ regular classes, free to town residents and employees. More information can be found at:

Left: Staff Autumn Scott and Stephen Geis are seen practicing CPR at the Farmington Public Safety Building.

Partner Spotlight

This month we celebrate our partner, the Strafford County Public Health Network (SCPHN). The SCPHN’s mission is to improve the health, wellness, and quality of life for all individuals in Strafford County, NH, by working to build one integrated system of community members, businesses, and health organizations working together to address public health needs. In addition to being the fiduciary agent for SRPC’s Communities for Healthy Aging Transition (CHAT) Project. SCPHN’s Public Health Network Manager, Ashley Wright is a direct partner on the project. Our partnership is reciprocal, as Jen Czysz represents SRPC at the Public Health Advisory Council (PHAC). SRPC appreciates having partners like the SCPHN since many of our projects include health, equity and access to essential services to create a resilient region. To learn more about SCPHN, please visit:  

Image: Strafford County PHN logo.

Annual Report Released; Executive Director Checks In with Municipalities

The FY23 SRPC Annual Report was approved by SRPC Commissioners at their September 21 meeting. The report highlights work completed over the last year and lays out the budget and work plan for the new fiscal year. In addition to the annual report, Jen, SRPC’s Executive Director, has begun her annual round of check-in visits with each of the SRPC communities. These visits are intended to provide an update on current SRPC projects and discuss ways in which we can support our communities. Curious how we can help your community? Check out the Annual Report and reach out to the SRPC team.

Image: Executive Director Jen Czysz

New Round of Transportation Project Solicitation Begins

Sr. Transportation Planner Colin Lentz has been meeting with municipalities and partner agencies to discuss and develop candidate Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) projects. Priority projects will be reviewed by an engineering consultant to develop planning-level designs and cost estimates that are critical to project advancement and funding.

Communities can start with a conversation with Colin about broad transportation goals, or a specific location where improvements are desired. When ready, communities must submit their project through SRPC’s project submission form

Image: Senior Transportation Planner Colin Lentz 

Barrington Hosts Housing Forum

On Saturday, September 30, members of the SRPC staff worked with Vanessa Price, Town Planner, to hold the Barrington Housing Forum. The event is part of the Barrington Master Plan Housing Chapter update that began in June of this year. The information collected at the forum will be used as a source of data collection as well as a community survey created by the Barrington Housing committee. The morning featured a mapping activity, a visual preference "sticky-dot" activity, and a brainstorming exercise. Many thanks to Vanessa and the devoted Barrington community members involved in the master plan process!

For additional information, please contact Lisa Murphy at or visit the project website. Above: Regional Planner Autumn Scott leads Barrington Town Planner Vanessa Price and two residents in a brainstorming activity at the forum.

Planning Events of Interest

Wednesday, October 25, 5:30 to 7pm

Farmington Economic Revitalization Zone Virtual Webinar

Please join us for this virtual webinar where we’ll be discussing New Hampshire’s Economic Revitalization Zone (ERZ) program. ERZ’s are zones created in a city or town with a purpose to stimulate economic redevelopment, expand the commercial and industrial base, create new jobs, reduce sprawl, and increase tax revenues by encouraging economic revitalization.

This event is hosted in collaboration with the Farmington Economic Development Committee, Farmington Planning Board, and the New Hampshire Department of Business and Economic Affairs (BEA). While this webinar will focus on the Town of Farmington, anyone may participate. Please register online to participate.

More Events

Public Input Opportunities

DES Community Electric Vehicle Charging Grant Program

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services wants your input on the development of a new community electric vehicle (EV) charging grant program. This is your chance to help shape the program and our chance to learn from you!

Register online for either of the two virtual event times:

Funding & Resources

Funding & Assistance Opportunities

New Planning Resources

Community Happenings

October Events!

New Hampshire Film Festival at 3S Artspace, Portsmouth – This Weekend

603 Forward Fest at Currier Museum, Manchester – TONGHT 5:30pm

SELT Trailfest at Burley Farms, Epping – Tomorrow

Disability Pride Parade, this weekend, Manchester

Spooky Events!

Haunted Overload at DeMeritt Hill Farm, Lee – Thurs. to Sun. all of October

Woodman Museum’s Voices from the Cemetery, Dover – This Weekend

Children’s Museum of NH Not-So-Spooky-Spectacular, Dover – Next Weekend

Trick or Treat and Zombie Walk, Rochester – Fri. Oct. 27

Halloween Spooktacular and Trunk or Treat, Rochester – Sat. Oct. 28

Halloween Hoopla, Somersworth – Tues. Oct. 31

All Trick or Treats in New Hampshire from WMUR

Strafford Regional Planning Commission 

150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12

Rochester, New Hampshire 03867

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