10:30 AM

“O Grant Us, God, a Little Space"
"Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ"
"Take My Gifts"
Sheet Music is here! Remember to click. Special Music links too!
We are so glad you are here!”

As we enter our church, as we live as members, as we experience important life-cycle events (falling in love, marrying, parenting, baptism, coming out, transitioning, etc.), words of welcome and support, understanding and love are what we all long for. This manifestation of God’s Extravagant Welcome and the justice and social witness that accompany it are the heart of what we hope to show our community and all who walk through the doors of Christ Congregational United Church of Christ.

September 1, 2023

Dear Congregation,

September greetings! In this new month it’s nice to think that fall is on
its way with, hopefully, cooler temperatures.

It will be good to be back in worship you this Sunday after my
successful hip replacement surgery. Thank you so much for your
prayers, messages, and gifts. I am very grateful to God!!!

In this Labor Day Weekend Sunday worship service, we will be
considering a few of the Biblical scriptures on the importance and
meaning of work in our lives. As we each look back at the jobs we’ve
done throughout our lives, it’s important to reflect on how each one
has impacted who we are and how we are, and how our work has
affected others and the wider world. I would venture a guess that we
don’t often think in terms of how our Christian faith has entered into
our work, so we’ll be doing some of that on Sunday. I hope you’ll join us
in person or on Facebook.

We’ll also be celebrating Holy Communion on this first Sunday of the
month. If we think about it, without the labor of others, we wouldn’t
have the elements of bread and grape juice for the sacrament. I share
this reflection by The Rev. Mary Luti on that reality with you here.

God Bless You.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Candy
“Gifts and Labor” Mary Luti

We spread your table with these gifts of the earth and of our labor.
(UCC Book of Worship, Service of Word and Sacrament I)

A friend of mine is a deacon in a church with a bread-making ministry
that provides fresh loaves for weekly Communion. They always freeze
some, too, for long holiday weekends when the team doesn’t bake.

One such weekend, he arrived early to pop a frozen loaf into the
microwave. But there were no loaves to pop. Somebody forgot to stock
the freezer. There was a grocery store nearby, so he dashed out,
snatched a loaf off the shelf, and was back in no time.

Removing the wrapper, it hit him. How lovely the bread-making
ministry was. How devoted the team’s labor. Their joy. Once he’s heard
them singing as they worked. And their bread was delicious. He
wondered about the people who’d made the store-bought bread, all
the workers who’d planted, reaped, milled, baked, packaged,
distributed, and stocked it. Did they feel satisfied, too?

The mass-produced bread bothered him. And it moved him. During the
service he was distracted, thinking about production and land use, fair
wages and working conditions, marketing and prices, distribution and
access. He hoped it wasn’t sacrilegious to be thinking about economics
right before receiving Christ’s body. He also wondered if it was
sacrilegious not to think about such things.

When the pastor lifted the loaf and said the usual words from the book,
“…gift of the earth and of our labor,” it stung him. He’d heard them
before, but not so clearly what they imply. Not so clearly what they
demand. He wondered what took him so long.
*** Please make note that Chancel flowers are now $40.00***


Pastor Candy would be happy to meet with you to talk about our Christian faith, your spiritual journey, and to discuss what church membership means. Please let her know if you're interested!


Sun. Sept. 3 | 10:30 am
Worship in the Sanctuary
 & Facebook Live with Holy Communion

Mon. Sept. 4 | Labor Day,
Church Office Closed

Sun. Sept 10 | 10:30 am
Worship in the Sanctuary
 & Facebook Live

Mon. Sept. 11 | 6:30p.m.
ZOOM Bible Study
Meeting ID: 691 735 4836


Wednesday, September 27, 2023
7 p.m. in our Garden Chapel

Practice begins at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 18, 2023
and will be weekly. The choir will present a free Christmas concert on
Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 2 p.m. at the church.

CCC Women are collecting diapers for parents of homeless children for S.O.S. They especially need toddler sizes. Monetary donations can be given to Cindy Ketzle or sent to the church made out to CCC Women. There is a box in Kelsey for ongoing collection.
Urge Miami-Dade School Board to Vote
YES on LGBTQ History Month

Dear Safe Schools Community,

On Wednesday, September 6th, the Miami-Dade County School Board will vote on a proclamation declaring October as LGBTQ History Month. Last year, the measure failed by a 7-1 vote.  

We need your help to convince Board members to vote YES this year.

The item would simply show that Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) is firmly committed to school safety for all students, staff, and family members, including the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) community. It simply acknowledges the long list of historical contributions we have made over many decades.

We ask you to send an email to any and all School Board Members. Ask them to vote YES on Item H-11. Doing so will show our LGBTQ youth that their efforts are valued. And that they, as individuals, are loved:

We thank Board Member Lucia Baez-Geller for sponsoring this item. She is brave in doing so. Let's stand with her...and with our youth. Thank you for your help.

Scott Galvin
Executive Director

We encourage you to share this information with friends, fellow teachers, and allies and join us in bringing awareness to our efforts. Your support is essential for our ongoing work to create safe spaces for all students, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or expression. Please consider donating to Safe Schools so that we can continue advocating for inclusivity and diversity within the education system.

"Dancing in the Dark: We Shall Prophesy!
Annual Gathering 2023 Registration Now Open

Now is the time to gather the church and to celebrate and recommit to our shared covenant as The United Church of Christ in Florida comes together at the Rosen Plaza Hotel, 9700 International Drive in Orlando, Oct. 12-14 for the 2023 Annual Gathering of the Florida Conference of the United Church of Christ. (October 12th will provide optional "pre-events" in the afternoon and evening, Further details will be announced soon.)

This year's theme is taken from Acts 2:17-20. In addition to other invited guests and friends, we are honored and excited to be joined by the Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson, recently elected as the 10th General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ.

We've secured a room block at the Rosen Plaza Hotel with discounted nightly rates.

If you will need accommodations during your stay in Orlando, we strongly urge you to register and secure your room early, as the number of rooms is limited, and it's quite possible that we'll sell out well before the Sept. 11 deadline for registrations that include accommodations. If you wish to take advantage of these discounted rates, you must register and pay here by no later than Sept. 11. Registrations may be canceled by calling (407) 835-7501 before 4 p.m. on Sept. 11. Please call (407) 835-7501 or email for assistance.

Rejecting Racism

Racially motivated attacks vandalize UCC churches.
'Hatred Destroys'

UCC Officers grieve after racist killing of three Black people by white shooter in Florida.
Giving to a Cause

Neighbors in Need donations help bolster justice work in churches and communities.

The UCC National Setting’s office in Cleveland has a brand-new sign.

Subscribe using these links and keep up with the latest Florida news.
Global Ministries offers a weekly prayer for one of our global mission partners. This week's prayer is with Puerto Rico. To read their mission moment, please click the Global Ministries IMAGE. Below is this week's prayer, united we pray.
God of Love, we pray for the United Church of Christ in the Philippines and all our partners in the Philippines. We pray to always grow and learn from the wisdom and experience we share with each other.

We pray for Silliman University Divinity School as it marks another year in the life of its mission to educate and train students for ministry and scholarship. Continue to bless their students, faculty, and all their programs and activities.

We pray especially for the growing Music and Liturgy Program, that through it, the school will be an instrument to connect and minister to the Filipino community and to all your people through music and the arts. May their songs, words, and dance resonate with the chords of your love and blessing. 

Through music and liturgy, may we all learn to “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Help us all be better instruments of your patience and your mercy. When we are inclined to anger and revenge, remind us of your call to “Live in harmony with one another.”


 Find all UCC podcasts in one feed!


Joan Hansen, Maggie McDowell, Carol McCreary, Mary Ellen Prather, Mary and Frank Tirb, Bradley Everhardt, Julio Balcells, Jessica Nodarse, Bianca Montenegro, Mark, Julie Henkel, Merly Alonso, Bianca and Nina Sarmento and the friends and family of J.J Newby Ketzle and Sarah Wiley, Stone Coram and the family and friends of Brenda Best, Aberas Jober and Leslie Perichak.
For Pastoral Care Needs, please call Pastor Candy directly at 925-640-9289 or you may call and leave a message with the Church Office, 305-235-9381.
Jay Harrigan 9/6
Marilyn Pearson 9/8
Candace Thomas 9/18
Bennie Wiley 9/24
Rita Smith 9/24
Julio Balcells 9/29
Susan Hudson-Manteiga 9/30
Thank you so much for the generous gifts of your time, treasure and talent in pursuit of A Just World For All!
Online Giving – We invite you to use our online giving option as a quick, simple, and secure method to make your pledges and ancillary gifts.

*Please indicate when your giving is other than pledge or plate.*

You may click this image or the
"Online Giving" link on the upper right of our website.
The Rev. Candace Thomas | Pastor

Graham Bryan | Moderator & President

Jay Harragin | Music Director

Tracy Williams | Editor