Middle School Updates

August 8, 2023

Stay Up to Date on Sign Ups & More!

Happy last week of summer, Middle School families! As of today, Infinite Campus is open for all students to view their schedules - so you can hop on and see your child's schedule and which electives they'll have this quarter! If you have any difficulty accessing Infinite Campus, please reach out to Ms. Cathy at

The new school year is less than a week away, and we already have exciting things for our Middle School Owls to sign up for! Please see the flyers below for details, and click through to sign up before the upcoming deadlines!

We're excited for the year ahead with our Middle School Owls at ARPS!

Acting & Adjusting at Aspen Ridge

One thing that Aspen Ridge Owls are great at is acting and adjusting as challenges arise. We recently had the challenge of receiving last minute notice that two of our middle school teachers have chosen to take different paths in their career journeys. We wish them both the best, but also feel the crunch of having to fill these teacher positions in the final stretch of summer. This is not a unique challenge to our school, as most schools in Colorado are still actively hiring for several open positions. The teacher shortage is real, which is just one of the reasons that we do everything we can to make Aspen Ridge a place that our teachers want to come to work each day.

We're confident in our contingency plan as we continue to seek out the best of the best for our middle school classrooms. Two long-term subs are in place to start the school year, and both are familiar faces at Aspen Ridge with great classroom experience under their belts. They also have the direct support and guidance of the rest of the middle school team and our incredible admin team. Ms. Mangus has moved up to teach 7th/8th Grade Math, Mr. Hamilton will be the long-term sub for 6th Grade Math (with support from Ms. Grein), and Ms. Anderson will be the long-term sub for 7th/8th Grade ELA (with support from Ms. Wild).

We'll continue to keep you posted as these positions are hired, and in the meantime we know that our Middle School Owls will be in great hands!

Sign Up for the 7th/8th Grade Trip to D.C.!

Registration is Open for Intramural Volleyball!



Phone: (720) 242-6225