August 2023
Question of the Month:
Do you write every day?

At first I didn't want to answer this question, because the fact is—I do NOT write every day! At least not in the sense that you might be imagining.

When I'm actually in the process of writing the first draft of a novel, I make a commitment to myself to sit down at my writing desk and write 1-2 hours a day, 3-4 days a week. That is a loose commitment. Sometimes I go longer than 2 hours and sometimes I do 5 days. One time, when I was writing Feathers in the Sand, our beloved feline Seymour died, and I gave myself time away from the story for two weeks because I just couldn't focus on it.

I know that many authors DO write every day, and some have been known to say that you're not a "real" writer unless you do. But I beg to differ! For one thing, I am a full-time SoulCollage® Facilitator at and the work I do there is meaningful and fun. It also involves a LOT of writing as I put out five newsletters a month. Yes, it's a different kind of writing, but it's still writing and I love both kinds of writing!

Then there is journal writing. Do I write in my personal journal every day? Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I don't do that either! I used to journal more often but lately I find that it doesn't nourish me as much as it used to. Once or twice a week seems to fulfill that need to process anything that's going on in my life. Maybe it's a phase I'm going through; maybe not. As Toni Morrison once said . . .

At some point in life the world’s beauty becomes enough. 
You don’t need to photograph, paint or even remember it.
It is enough. 

Many thanks to Susan from Massachusetts
for asking this question!
 🏆 July Give-Away Winners 🏆

Congratulations to our July readers who each received
a paperback copy of Feathers in the Sand, by ME!

Julie from Pennsylvania
Teddi from Connecticut
Faith from Florida

Didn't win? Not to worry, you can try again right now . . .
AUGUST Fiction Give-Away:
Heart & Soul-Stirring Story

Girls of Summer, by Nancy Thayer, is a delightful story of family, a reminder that sometimes finding our way back home can bring us unexpected gifts. It takes place on Nantucket during one life-changing summer for a single mother and her two grown children.

To enter, just fill out the short form here
and I'll do a random drawing
I will send you an email notice that you've won,
and I'll ask for your snail mail address after that!
(NOTE: I use the random generator at to choose the winners
so it's all fair and square.)
Summer Update:
Sea Glass Memories

I am hard at work this summer preparing for the October 10 launch of my new novel, Sea Glass Memories! Two editorial (professional) reviews have already come in and they are excellent, which makes me very happy.

Even though my first two novels (Dragonflies at Night, and Feathers in the Sand) took place in the summer, I have to admit that summer isn't my favorite season. I much prefer the cooler days and brightly-colored leaves of fall, so I'm happy to report that Sea Glass Memories takes place in the autumn months of September, October, and November. There's a little bit of a back-to-school theme for one reluctant English teacher, a fun Seahaven Halloween Scavenger Hunt, and a few interwoven themes of letting go of the past.

A lot goes into a book launch, and you'll be hearing more from me about this as we get closer to October!
Summer Free-for-All
Give Aways

25+ women's fiction authors (including me!) have teamed up to create this fabulous give-away. That means 25 + novels are yours for the taking!

My own Feathers in the Sand is one of the give-aways, so head on over and take one or more or all of the books being offered on this page.
Greetings! Thank you for reading my author newsletter! This is me last summer with my beautiful niece Stephanie who lives and works on Martha's Vineyard. She's a busy woman, so it's always a joy to be in the same room with her. We are alike in many ways, and yes- she's an excellent writer too!

In between newsletters, I'll be posting more often on Instagram, my blog, and/or my Facebook Author page, so please be sure to visit me there too.

What is YOUR favorite season? Feel fre*e to send a reply to this email to let me know, or to share any other thoughts, questions, or feedback. I'm always happy to hear from my readers and 98% of the time respond within 24 hours.

Also, don't forget to enter our August fiction give-away, Girls of Summer by Nancy Thayer!

Keep on reading stories that stir your heart and soul,