Northwood School Laker

October 6, 2023

NWS Report Card Update for the 2023-2024 School Year!

Believe it or not, with the school year now well underway, progress reports and report cards are just around the corner. It is during these times that students, parents, and teachers are provided with a snapshot of the learning process during the first trimester. As you probably already know, from our Student/Family Handbook, the state of New Hampshire has adopted curriculum frameworks that outline what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. These frameworks are academically rigorous, and they are designed to prepare students for both college and the evolving 21st century job market. Northwood School is committed to meeting the high expectations set by the New Hampshire Department of Education. As a result, we are aligning our grading practices with the learning outcomes set by the state and we are also changing the process by which those outcomes are reported. A full explanation of the grading process and procedures can be found on pages 35 - 37 of the NWS Student/Family Handbook, but for a quick look at the updated report card indicators and explanations, please feel free to click on this link. Have a great weekend! ~Mr. Ling, Director of Curriculum

News from the Library

Students in grades K-2 have been reading a Ladybug Book Award book each week. When we have read all ten nominees, students will vote on their favorite. Then, Ms. Mawn will submit the tallies to the state library in Concord to be counted with all the other votes in the state. So far, the favorite seems to be "Noodle and the No Bones Day"

Fourth graders spent the month of September learning about the Exeter Incident and the case of Barney and Betty Hill: two famous UFO sightings in NH history. Our guest speaker was Mrs. Plourde, who spoke about her cousin David Hunt; he was one of the police officers that witnessed the sighting in Exeter.

8th graders are finishing their unit on Banned Books and INtellectual Freedom, just in time for Banned Books week (October 1-7). For more information about Banned Books Week, please check out the American Library Association site.

News from the Art Room

Eighth grade finished up their self portrait projects focusing on creating contour lines and incorporating geometric and organic shapes. 

Middle School STEM Club

STEM club starts on Wednesday, October 18th. The club is open to students grades 6-8 and will meet downstairs in the alt ed room next to the pre-school. It will run from 3:10PM-4:45PM every Wednesday that we have school. This year we will be installing the school weather station, learning about and using HAM radio equipment, and building VEX robots. It should be a fun and busy year. If you are interested, please email Mr. Robert and fill out the permission form that was emailed to grades 6-8.

Kindergarten News

Kindergartners learned about bus safety with Ms Smith. She told us about the danger zone that surrounds the bus, and that we need to get a thumbs up from the driver before we cross the road. We practiced sitting on the bus “back to back, seat to seat”, and how to be respectful while riding the bus.  A fun fact we told her was that a school bus is as big as a dinosaur! We were excited to go on her “bus-o-saur"!

School & Community Information

CBNA Fundraiser

A student at Coe Brown is selling pies to raise funds to support Band and Chorus going to Universal Studios. Click the button below to make a purchase!

CBNA Fundraiser

5K at Deerfield Fairgrounds on November 5

Fall Fun for Families

Catamount Womenaid will welcome runners, walkers, families, and spectators to the Deerfield Veterinary Clinic Catamount 5K on Sunday, November 5 at the Deerfield Fairgrounds. The course for the 9:00 am race is on varied, off-road surfaces in a scenic, rural setting. Children under 8 years old may join in the free Kids’ Run at 9:45.

Registration is open now at The first 100 registrants will receive free hats and swag bags with goodies from area businesses. Preregistration race fees are $27 for teens and adults; $15 for kids 12 or under. Fees increase on race day. Snacks and water are free.

This 5K benefits Catamount Womenaid, a local nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to individuals and families with urgent needs in Barnstead, Deerfield, Epsom, Northwood, Pittsfield and Strafford. See On Facebook: @catamountwomenaid and @catamount5k.

Important Dates

October 9 - Indigenous Peoples'/Columbus Day - No school

October 18 - School Board meeting, 6:30

October 27 - 6-8 Middle School Dance, 6:30 - 8:30

November 1 - Picture Retake Day

November 1- School Board meeting, 6:30

November 9 - Parent Teacher Conferences, no school

November 10 - Veterans Day observed, no school

Please check the Athletics Calendar for information on games and meets.  
