HOVC Scouter Newsletter | August 11th, 2023

🚣🏽 With National Jamboree in the books, we love looking back at all of your adventure photos! Check out this awesome album shared by Chris Hollomon.

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Fall 2023 Leadership Training Opportunities

We're thinking ahead to the fall, y'all! It's that wonderful time of year when we're welcoming brand-new Scouts and families into the program. What they all deserve are well-trained leaders. We have you covered with in-person training this fall, including Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor Orientation, Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training, Cub Scout Den Leader Training, BALOO, and IOLS.

[Learn More and Register!]

Register to Race and Name Our Mascot!

REGISTRATION IS OFFICIALLY OPEN! Join us for our inaugural race event, bring a buddy or two (or three), and come out for the afternoon and evening to participate in a 5K and 1-Miler unlike any other! SIGN UP EARLY FOR A FREE T-SHIRT! We are on fire about our October 7th Glow Trail Run 5K and 1-Miler at our Scout Reservation in Goochland, and we need your creativity to help us bring our firefly mascot to life by giving it a name! Hurry over to our race page and submit your ideas.

[REGISTER!] [Submit A Name]

Trainer's EDGE: August 26th

Trainer's EDGE helps participants to develop the skills of leaders and trainers. It focuses on improving the participant’s leadership, communication and training skills. The Trainer’s Edge is the required train-the-trainer course for Wood Badge, Commissioners’ College, NYLT staff and all other BSA training courses. The Course is highly beneficial for all leaders of Packs and Troops. Take advantage of this great opportunity to impact the quality of the programs our youth receive through well-trained leaders!

[Register for Trainer's EDGE]

Changes to Cub Scout Pack Overnight Camping

Effective Sept. 1, 2023, Cub Scout packs who are conducting their own overnight camping activities may now camp up to two consecutive nights. This is a change from the earlier policy on pack unit-coordinated camping, which was previously limited to single overnight experiences. The updated policy also applies to Webelos and Arrow of Light dens, who can now conduct campouts for up to two consecutive nights.

[Get the Details!]

Engineering Merit Badge: November 11th

Scouts who are working on the requirements for the Engineering merit badge learn about the process of building and creating products and structures. They investigate the variety of careers available in engineering. Scouts explore how engineers use a step-by-step approach to make improvements for society. Come out November 11th at the Beach Community Grange in Chesterfield to earn this exciting merit badge!

[Register Today!]

Can you find our 5K Firefly? If you've spotted it, email with its location and win a fun prize!

“For me, life is about experience and being a good person.”

Chris Hemsworth, Actor (Thor, Avengers), born this day in 1983

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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Prepared.For Life.